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标题: [王菊]从“他者叙述”到“自我建构” [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2009-1-28 14:58     标题: [王菊]从“他者叙述”到“自我建构”

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From "Other's Narration" to "Self's Construction"  

【作者】王菊 【导师】徐新建


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 本文对20世纪50年代以来的彝学研究转型进行了较为系统的研究。彝学,作为中国学、中国民族学、世界人类学的一部分,已经日益引起了国内外学者的关注。再加上,近60年以来彝学发展的良好态势,把彝学研究引向了更深和更广的发展。 20世纪以来,中国的民族学伴随着国民的觉醒和国际学术理论的前进而逐渐兴盛起来。其中,彝学作为中国民族学的重要组成部分,也在不断地发展着。从20世纪上半叶伊始,中国汉族学者开始运用西方的人类学和社会学理论兴起了对彝族研究的热潮;到20世纪下半叶,由于大量彝族学者也综合运用多学科知识和理论,加入彝族研究的队伍,彝学研究发生了历史的转型。 彝学研究,在汉族学者的研究视野里的研究领域涉及:族源与人种、语言与文字、民间文学、宗教信仰、民俗文化、社会生活、教育等等,学者们对这些进行描述性的陈述和客位的研究。而到彝族学者进行主位研究的时候,在基本上相同的研究领域采用了不同的研究方式,即从更广泛的文化事象来挖掘本民族的悠久历史传统的文化魅力,藉此在主流学术话语中加入了彝族、彝族文化、彝族身份的话语,从而改变了以往的彝学研究的学术话语。这种研究范式的转变,不仅使彝学作为一个独立的研究领域得以彰显,而且也推动了当代中国民族学的发展,同时为人类学、民族学的延展提供了不容忽视的经验和意义。 彝学研究的历史转型,是在政府主导、知识分子参与、地方势力辅助、民族精英倡导的共同努力下实现的,是在意识形态、学术自觉、民族自为的同构下形成的,是在后现代文化理论、民族文化主义、人类学发展转向的历史背景下建构起来的。正是在这些历史、文化、学术背景下,当代彝学研究发出了自己的声音:彝族学者刘尧汉和“中华彝族文化学派”通过知识考古的方法对彝族远古文明的思考,力图把彝族形象重新建立起来,同时也把彝族身份在中华民族中彰显出来;“巴莫姊妹彝学小组”努力把彝族生活的世界活脱脱地展现在世人面前,她们从彝族的祖灵信仰、经藉文学、口头传统、文化传播与变迁等等方面,在彝族文化的原生语境中解读着彝族文化存在的真实意义;国外众多学者参与的国际彝学研讨会……他们的研究涉及了彝族文化学、彝族历史学、彝族宗教学、彝族文学、彝族社会学、彝族语言学、彝族天文学、彝族哲学、彝族伦理学等等各个领域。 总的来说,彝学研究的历史转型有如下几个内容:1、以知识考古学方式,来挖掘、整理、翻译和介绍被历史湮没的彝族文化精粹,体现在一系列彝族文化研究丛书的出版和彝族古代诗文论的发现等;2、以田野作业和田野研究的方法,深入彝区对彝族生活中的各种文化的调查、理解和研究,如:巴莫阿依对彝族信仰的调查,巴莫曲布嫫对彝族口头传统的跟踪记录和研究等等;3、以文本分析为主,通过梳理彝族古代诗文论的理论来寻觅其背后的彝族生存理念和哲学运思,体现在对彝族诗文论的各种再度阐释中;4、彝族主位学者的积极参与,充实了彝学研究的势力,再加上他们自行组织成立了各种研究机构和团体,并发行了相应的刊物,丰富了彝学研究的舞台展示;5、彝学研究的国际交流与对话的趋势明显加强,国外学者对彝学的研究活跃了彝学研究的气氛,彝学研究成果能在很短的时间内进行相互之间的交流,在国际学术背景与国内本土文化和地方性知识的相互参照下,加快了彝学国际化的步伐……彝学,在众多彝族学者和国际学者的努力下,已经架构起了彝学发展的学科框架,并形成了自己的特点。 彝学已经取得了巨大的成就,同时它也引起了学界的广泛关注。但是,对彝学的研究,特别是近60年以来彝学发展的研究还相对较薄弱。正是基于这种原因,本论文力图采用语境化的方法,将各个时期彝学的发展置于相应的历史、文化语境之中,对彝学的历史转型进行较为全面的研究,并试图解决如下的问题:彝学在当代取得了哪些研究成果?彝学的主位研究呈现出如何的特点?彝学的发展趋势是怎样的?彝学发展中存在的问题和应该注意的一些关系?彝学的发展体现出了中国民族学发展的什么特点?彝学的发展对中国民族学有何借鉴意义?…… 在对当代彝学的发展现状进行梳理的过程中,笔者发现目前的对彝学的研究存在如下的问题:首先,缺乏对转型中和转型后的彝学发展的系统分析与探究,特别是对彝学近60年的历程中出现的一些重要事件、人物和现象等,更是鲜有学者对之进行全面的观照。彝学成为了部分学者支离破碎的视点,他们缺乏对彝学发展的生成语境的全面理解和认识。本论文尝试着对关于彝学发展的语境和趋势的研究做一次大胆的努力。其次,彝学多的是对某一文化领域的深入研究,而缺乏对彝学发展的整体诠释。此外,在国内外尚没有对这60年里彝学的发展进行全面系统的研究,本论文力图能弥补这一空白,为彝学的发展提供一次短小的总结。 本论文将从20世纪50年代关于凉山彝族社会性质的讨论开始到现在来梳理中国本土彝学的发展历程,会涉及中国彝学发展的类型、特点、历史、现状等等,当然由于彝学已经成为了一个国际化的研究领域,文中会结合当时的国外学者的研究来加以一定的陈述。在历时和介时的结构中,把川、滇、黔的彝族文化研究圈纳入研究的视域,希望能对彝学研究勾画出一个轮廓,力图能在国内外、各地区、各级研究层次的基础上来对彝学研究进行再认识。 本论文分为导论、正文五章、余论。导论部分,介绍了彝族研究的学术史、本论文的研究目的、研究思路和研究方法。论文第一章,是对20世纪50年代——60年代关于凉山彝族社会性质调查、讨论的回顾和反思,主要围绕调查的社会政治背景、社会性质讨论的内容和特点和对此的反思几个方面展开。论文第二章,把20世纪80年代刘尧汉的彝学研究及其所引导的“中华彝族文化学派”作为研究对象,兼顾了刘尧汉学术背景的梳理及学术成就的介绍,和“中华彝族文化学派”的学术成果的介绍和特点的总结。第三章,探究了李绍明在20世纪80——90年代对彝族社会的学术观照,勾勒出了他对彝族及彝族周边社会历史和文化的研究兴趣。第四章,是把“巴莫姊妹彝学小组”这样一个民间性学术团体作为研究对象,旨在通过巴莫阿依对彝族宗教信仰的研究、巴莫曲布嫫对彝族文学的研究的再研究,来发现彝族主位研究在国内外的学术背景下继续发展的勃勃生机。第五章,把中外学者对彝族研究的争论作为研究的重点,其中主要研究了族群认同、民族识别和斯蒂文·郝瑞对彝学的贡献,最后还对民族识别进行了反思。余论部分,总结彝族研究的一些学术特点并指出存在的不足。 概括起来,本文的创新点主要表现在: 1、目前为止,本论文是国内对20世纪50年代以后彝族研究的学术梳理较为全面的,不仅把近60年的彝学研究纳入了研究视野,而且对各个时期的重大学术事件和学术现象以及重要学术人物进行了专题式研究。对一些人物的研究更是比较全面和认真的。此外,在资料的占有方面,尽量占有第一手资料和最新的学术信息,以保证本论文的新颖性和独创性。 2、本论文尝试着以学术史为依托,竭力还原学术的真实语境。并在此基础上,对某些学术事件进行反思,试图从中能为民族学乃至彝学的发展提出一些建设性的意见和建议。 3、本论文打破地域界限的限制,将北京、四川、云南、贵州等各地的彝族学者的研究成果均作为彝族文化圈研究的对象,对它们既进行宏观观照,又对具体的个案进行细致的研究和论述,争取做到点面结合。  

This dissertation attempts to make a more systematic inquiry into the transition of Yi studies from 1950s' to the present.As a part of all the Chinese studies,Chinese ethnology and the world anthropology,Yi studies has already aroused the domestic and foreign scholars'interest day by day.In addition,the good developing situation of Yi studies about nearly 60 years has brought it into the deeper and abroader development. In Han nationality scholars' vision,the field of Yi studies involves ancestor and race,language and writing,folk literature,religious belief,folk custom culture,society and life,education and so on.They have already made the descriptive statement and the etic research.However, in the basic same field,Yi nationality scholars have selected the different method,namely excavated the charm of the Yi glorious hitorical culture by way of the more widespread cultural phenomenon, and joined the discourse of the Yi nationality,Yi culture and Yi status in the academic mainstream words by way of it,thus changed the former academic discourse of Yi studies.This kind of transition of research paradigm not only has caused Yi studies conspicuous but also impelled the development of the contemporary Chinese ethnology,morever provided indispensible experience and significance. The historical transition of Yi studies has been realized under the joint effort among the government,intellectual,local forces and the ethnic elite,formed under the isomorphism of the ideology,academic consciousness and the self-service of national,constructed under the historical background about the post-modern cultural theory,the national culturalism,the change of anthropological development. Just under the historical,cultural and academical background,the contemporary Yi studies uttered its own voice:Yi scholar,Liu Yaohan and "the Chinese Yi nationality culture school of thought" strived to re-erect Yi nationality image,simultaneously made Yi status obvious in the Chinese nation through the method of archaeology of knowledge.The "Bamo Sisters' Group of Yi Studies" tried hard to lively unfold the Yi living world to the common people,decipher the real significance of the existence of Yi culture in the original context all the aspects including Yi peoples' worship of ancestors,written literature,cutltural dissemination and vicissitude so on.The multitudinous foreign scholars participated the international conference on Yi studies...Their research invovled the Yi culture study,the Yi history study,the Yi religion study,the Yi sociology study,the Yi linguistics study,the Yi astronomy study,the Yi philosophy study ,the Yi ethics study and other domais on. Yi studies has already obtained enormous achievments,simultaneously it also been focused by academic community.However,the study on Yiology's development was weaker relatively in the nearly 60 years.Just based on this reason,the dissertation attempts to make a comprehensive research on the transition of Yiology by way of contextualization through setting Yi studies of each period into the corresponding historical and cultural contexts and solves the following problems:Which achievement has Yiology obtained?Which characteristic has the emic research of Yi studies taken on?What is the developing tendency of Yiology?What problems and relations of Yiology should pay attention to?What characteristic has the Yiology manifested the Chinese ethnology?What model significance does the Chinese ethnology has by way of Yiology? This dissertation intends to comb the development course of Chinese Yiology beginning from the discussion of Liangshan Yi society nature in the 50s of 20th century to the present .During the course of combing,it will invovle the Yiology's development type,characteristic,history,present situation and so on. Certainly,because Yiology has already become an international studies field,the dissertation will unify overseas scholars' research to perform the certain statement.In the synchronic and diachronic structure, the Yi culture research circle among Sichuan ,Yunnan,Guizhou Provinces will be brought into scope,hope it can outline an rough sketch of Yi studies.And try hard to be able to carry on reconsidering Yi studies in domestic and foreign,various region and all levels of research foundation . The dissertation consists of the introductory remarks, five chapters of the maintext,and miscellaneous survey.The introductory remarks will introduce the Yiology history of learning,research goal of this paper,research thought and method.The first chapter,is to review and reconsider the investgation and discussion about Liangshan Yi society nature in the 50s-60s of the 20th century,mainly revovels round the social political background of investgation,the content and the characters about the discussion of the Yi social nature and the reconsidering on these.The second chapter,will take Liu Yaohan's research in the 1980s and "the Chinese Yi Culture School of Thought" which he guided as the research object,give dual attention to comb Liu Yaohan's academic background and to introduce his achievement, introduce academic achievment and sumamarize characteristics of "the Chinese Yi Culture School of Thought".The third chapter,will probe into Li Shaoming 's academic contemplation on the Yi society in the 80s-90s of the 20th century,outline his research interest on society,history and culture about Yi and its peripheral surroundings. The fourth chapter,is about "the Bamo Sisters' Group of Yi Studies",a folk learned group , is for the purpose of discovering the emic research of Yi nationality keeping the vigorous vitality under the domestic and foreign academic backgrounds through Bamo Ayi's studies on the Yi nationality religious belief research,Bamo Qubumo's studies on Yi literature research. The fifth chapter,will focus on the argument about Yi studies between the Chinese and foreign scholars, mainly study the identity of ethnic group,the ethnic classification and Steven Harrell's contribution to Yi studies,finally carry on reconsidering the ethnic classification.The miscellaneous survey will summarize some academic characteristics of Yi studies and point out the insufficiency. In sum,the originality of this dissertation is as follows: 1.Up till now,the dissertation will be more comprehensive to comb the Yi studies academically in the later 1950s',not only bring Yiology of nearly 60 years into the vision of research ,but also study the special research topics on the significant academic events, phenomena as well as the important characters each period. Some characters' research is quite comprehensive and earnest.In terms of the material,the author holds the first-hand material and the most recent academic information as far as possible in order to guarantee the dissertation novel and the originality. 2.The dissertation is attempting to rely on the hitory of learning and returning to the original academic environment.And based on this foundation,the author will reconsider the certain academic events,and strive for giving some constructive comment and suggestion for the development of Yiology and ethnology. 3. The limits of the region boundary will be broken, the research achievements of Yi nationality scholars from Beijing,Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou and so on will be channelled into the Yi culture circle as the research object,both shed light on the macroscopic contmplation to them,and also study and expound carefully on the concrete case,will strive for combing work at selected spots with that of the whole area.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 彝族; 彝学研究; 历史转型 Yi nationality; Yi studies ; historical transition

【发表年期】2008年06期 【网络出版投稿人】四川大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2008.017260 攻读期成果

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