孟德卫(D. E. Mungello; 美国Baylor大学教授,SWCR Journal主编):
The high quality of scholarship and interpretative insight of Two-Headed Snakes make it one of the most significant books in Chinese on the history of Christianity in China to be published in the last half-century.
──Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal (U.S.A.), 18 (2006), pp. 74-76 (in English).
马雷凯(Roman Malek; 德国波昂大学汉学系教授,华裔学志研究院院长)
Huang Yilong since the 1980s is working on Christianity in China and has a worldwide reputation due to his numerous publications which are characterized by exactness and the formulation of new questions. He without any doubt belongs to the top scholars in the history of Christianity in China.
This work then stands in the best tradition of Chinese scholarship – one might only recall Chen Yuan and Fang Hao – and is a milestone in the systematic research and description of the history of Christianity in China. It can be fully recommended to all those who work on the history of Christianity in China, especially those teaching and studying in this field… It is my urgent postulate to prepare a translation of this work into one of the Western languages.
──《汉学研究》(台北),第24卷第2期(2006),页497-510 (in English)。
── China Heute, XXV (2006), Nr. 6, pp. 245-249 (in German).
Minghui Hu (胡明辉,加州大学Santa Cruz分校历史系助理教授)
──Minghui Hu, “Impossible Choice,” The International Journal of Asian Studies, no. 4 (2007), pp. 259-273 (in English).