四书五经及其所蕴含的伦理道德、价值观念,一般是我国所谓的主流文化传统。美国学者Cynthia Brokaw (包筠雅)在2007年出版一本书,Commerce in Culture: The Sibao Book Trade in the Qing and Republican Periods (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007),讲闽西四堡的,连城县四堡镇的两家,马家跟邹家书坊所印行的书籍销售的情形。当然这些书都是比较着拙劣的版本,供应较低社会阶层的读者,种类包括通书(历书)、医书、礼书、讲数术的书,算命的、占卜的,还有唐诗、通俗小说、唱本。而占相当大的比例的是各种不同版本的四书五经跟蒙书,有《三字经》、《百家姓》、《千字文》。我们一般把识字当成菁英社会跟我们说乡民社会分野的标志之一。美国一个学者叫James Hayes,长期在香港新界调查,他早期在1985年David G. Johnson做主编的一个Popular Culture in China的书里面有一篇文章,提到他在香港的调查在荃湾的仪式专家所拥有的文书,像族谱、通书、万宝全书、蒙书、唐诗、对联、尺牍、诉状、小说、唱本、劝善书等。他认为所谓菁英和基层社会间识字的差别并没有我们想象的那么大。这个是我们指的文化传统,就我想到的稍微触及。
历来学者对文化曾提出各种不同的定义。这里我想引1948年诺贝尔文学奖得主英国诗人T. S. Eliot 在Notes towards the Definition of Culture (London: Faber and Faber, 1948; 1962) 中论到文化三大主要条件的一段话:
The first of these is organic (not merely planned, but growing) structure, such as will foster the hereditary transmission of culture within a culture…. The second is the necessity that a culture should be analysable, geographically, into local cultures: this raises the problem of “regionalism。” The third is the balance of unity and diversity in religion—that is, universality of doctrine with particularity of cult and devotion. (P. 15)
金慧媛(the director of Korean program, Hong Kong University 香港大学韩国学程主任)——Korean Cultural Heritage Gangneung Danoje 韩国文化遗产:江陵端午祭)
Like the other lunar calendar based festivals in Korea, Dano(端午) was also imported from the ancient China. Since the ancient Korea, together with Lunar New Year and Full Moon Festival, Dano has become one of the three biggest and the oldest traditional festivals. Dano, however, took a different development path from the other two major festivals which are more family oriented holidays. Dano has become a type of community cultural festival, since the main event of Dano was a sacrificial ritual to the spirits of agriculture, heaven and mountain, in celebration of the end of sowing season. The ways people celebrate Dano vary a community from another. The most commonly seen practices are Swing, Ssirem (a Korean traditional wrestling) and Washing hair with iris/ sweet flag(菖蒲). Unlike the original Dano in China, there is no dragon boat race in Korea. This is because the famous story of 屈原 is not relevant to the people in Korea. Even today in South Korea, there are many different versions of Dano festivals across the country. Gangneung (江陵)'s Danoje (端午祭) is the most famous one among them, and was designated intangible cultural asset by UNESCO in 2005. Gangneung is an east coast city surrounded by high mountains, and its version of Dano is considered the most popular and historically rich traditional Korean festival since it maintains all the elements from Korea’s religious traditions (including Confucianism, Shamanism, Buddhism and Taoism), and the folk culture. Gangneung Danoje has continued for approximately a thousand years and it is believed that it reflects the history and life of Korean commoners。 作者: 木兰山人 时间: 2011-10-11 19:57