从学术研究的角度,大量借助或引用他人的研究成果并非不可,只要你能严格按照学术研究的基本规范,切实理解他人的研究,准确使用他人研究的史料、史实和观点,把转引的资料或引述的观点、说法的原始出处注释清楚,得出不同于前人的观点或历史分析。即便是创作历史纪实作品,倘能准确了解宏观背景,基本史实不虚构,一般叙述不离谱,也算O K.
此段宣言文字的英文原文可见于韦慕庭编辑的《ADocumentaryHistoryof Chinese Communism》一书。原文如下:
D r. Sunis of the opinionthat,becauseof thenon-existenceofconditions favourable to their success-ful application in China,it is not poss-ible tocarryout either Com m unismor eventhe Soviet system inChina.M . Joffeagrees entirelyw iththisview;he is further of the opinion thatC hina‘s m ost im portant andm ostpressing problem s are the com pletionof national unification and the attain-m ent of full national independence.