何以學者將納日人誤稱為蒙古人?誤以為納日人的天女婚型洪水神話是蒙古神話?納日人,自稱Na Zi ,大約有四萬五千人,主要分於四川西南部鹽源縣、木里藏族自治縣及其相比鄰的雲南寧蒗彝族自治縣。在四川和雲南境內的納日人以前被稱為麼些或麼沙,也有稱為韃靼族或蒙古族的。而納日人與蒙古族的確是有一些關係的,第一次是元初忽必烈南征大理時,曾經過木里、寧蒗等納日人地區,並留下少量的官兵;第二次是元末明初的大動亂,蒙古人大量來到納日人地區。李紹明先生就說:
Myths of Eyes—Discussing myths of one-eye and vertical-eye of Yi race
The flood myth of marrying heavenly daughter of Yi race often mentioned one-eyed or vertical eyed people.
In “Book of Mountain and Sea”, there were accounts of one-eyed and vertical eyed people, especially in Book of Sea. Why were these accounts of one-eyed and vertical-eyed people usually present in Book of Sea? Scholars thought the earliest stories were spread in the myths of Zhi-Qiang tribes (ancient people in West China) in Great Northwestern area, and later included into Book of Mountain and Sea by its author. As one of ancient Zhi-Qiang lineage, the ancestors of Yi race came to Yun-Nan and preserved the stories of one-eye and vertical-eye in their literature.
Myths of one-eye and vertical-eye were widespread among Yi people, supporting the theory of Yi race originating from Zhi-Qiang of North, and at the same time suggesting that Shu (an ancient kingdom in what is Szechwan Province today) which fled to Yun-Nan was part of Yi ancestors.
The eye myths of Yi seem to have strong connection with the myths of one-eye and vertical-eye in Book of Mountain and Sea and the myths of vertical-eye from Shu.
People of one-eye, vertical eye as well as those of one-leg, mud, straw, water, goose and tiger appear to differ from modern people. People with various eyes such as one-eye or vertical eye were more commonly seen in old documents.
As for some scholars viewed eyes as symbols of morals, Fu and Chang both thought that such opinions arose in a later time. Many myths and old documents imposed no criticism on people of different forms, one-eye or vertical-eye. In fact, in spite of their vertical-eye, slanting eye or horizontal eye, they were all goddess, members of god’s family. The comment regarding the immorality of vertical-eyed daughter was only seen in Book of Eastern Ba, whereas no condemnation was found in oral references. Therefore, the criticism could be a modification done by the recorder. The information in “Three-Star Mound” of Book of Mountain and Sea showed that myths of one-eye or single-eye appeared to be symbols of the race. Probably, for Zhi-Qiang tribes such as Yi race, myths of one-eye or single-eye were merely symbols of their races. So-called symbols of morals and distinction of civilization which came much later were viewpoints resulted from the thinking of anthropology and ethnology.
Keywords: Yi race, Flood myth, marriage of heavenly daughter, one-eyed people, vertical-eyed people