昨天去了Wal-Mart,回来的时候已经五点了,吃了晚饭才想起来查e-mail,真是可惜,错过了Sue写信来说的Shrove Tuesday,而且还有免费的晚餐。Shrove Tuesday是基督教的忏悔日,一般都在星期二,是大斋首日(Ash Wednesday)的前一天。在这一天人们都要到教堂许下美好祝愿,并把它放在事先准备好的篮子里,这好像跟中国的放灯差不多哦,唉,我们错过了,What a pity!但今天的Ash Wednesday一定得亲自去看看,到底是怎么回事。中午12:15,我们准时到达教堂,看外面就知道来了很多人,因为停在操场的车不少,不过,今天的people跟星期天的礼拜相比,人还算少的,可能主要是星期三,人们都还要上班,只能利用中午的一个小时的缘故吧。
Life Together: A Lenten Series from Concordia Seminary Ash Wednesday, February 17 Hand your life over to someone else? No way! “Life is better in my hands.” Hmmm…Jesus teaches us, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
Wednesday, February 24
“I’m being true to myself!” But do you really know who you are? Really? Jesus says, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Can we know what we’re doing if we don’t know who we truly are?
Wednesday, March 3
Jesus promised the thief, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” Pie in the sky? Since life is short, and all roads lead to heaven, shouldn’t we expect the best here and now?
Wednesday, March 10
Jesus said to Mary, “Woman, here is your son,” and to John, “Here is your mother.” DO you bristle when people make claims on your life? Claims on your life can help you answer the question, “Who am I?”
Wednesday, March 17
Did you ever wonder, “How can I believe in a God who would…” and fill in the blank with something terrible? Jesus cried, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Will you be vindicated for believing in God?
Wednesday, March 24
Jesus said, “I thirst”.
What do you need? Why do you need it? What do you do when what you think you need doesn’t quench your thirst?
Maundy Thursday, April 1
One critic dismisses church talk: “Blah, blah, Christian, blah, blah.” Is there something in our church’s life together that will make critics think twice?
Good Friday, April 2
Gathering in solemnity, the words “It is finished!” come down to us from the cross. Because “It’s finished,” the Spirit now works into our hearts the confidence of a wonderful future.
Easter Sunday, April 4
How can you tell people outside church that Jesus is alive in your life? “Tell the story with your ‘I’s.”
As We Gather
Make no mistake. We are not here today merely to bid “good riddance” to the darkness of winter, to mark the gradual changing of the seasons. We gather on Ash Wednesday in order to come to grips with our sin and mortality. Death is powerful. Death is the wages of sin. The grim news of God’s word tells that “All have sinned”(Romans 3:23). But praise be to God! He sent us a Savior, Christ Jesus, who took the power of death and disarmed it, restoring eternal life to all who put their faith in Him. Stand
Dear brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ, on this day the Church begins a holy season of prayerful and penitential reflection. Our attention is especially directed to the holy sufferings and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
From ancient times the season of Lent has been kept as a time of special devotion, self-denial, and humble repentance born of a faithful heart that dwells confidently on His Word and draws from it life and hope.
Let us pray that our dear Father in heaven, for the sake of His beloved Son and in the power of His Holy Spirit, might richly bless this Lententide for us so that we may come to Easter with glad hearts and keep the feast in sincerity and truth.
人们在教堂等着pastor在前额划十字,旁边的标语也与往日不同,It's finished. My God, why have you for saken me! You will be with me in paradise. Father forgive them. Be hold your son...your mother. I thirst.
晚上7点出发去学校的音乐大厅听lecture,看African dances。非洲的音乐和舞蹈比较有名啦,以前只在电视、电影上看过,今天要亲眼看看。Willamette大学这里的“非洲一个月”活动已经持续了快两个星期了,可我们因为一直occupied到今天才第一次去。不过,以后还有机会,2月24号还有一个关于非洲文学的演讲。哦,对了,本来今天中午要去Salem市听演讲的Your land, My land, using and presenting Oregon’s Natural Resources,结果要去教堂,时间冲突了,只好放弃了。今天晚上也是,今天晚上7:30到9点,学校里共有三个演讲,也难怪在非洲舞蹈的现场只见到这么少的观众了。可是演员里还真是很尽责,跳得也真不错!
在Willamette大学的图书馆和电脑房的鼠标垫上都写有这样一句话:“Five thousand alumni donors: Did you know tuition covers only 68 percent of your educational costs? The other 32 percent comes from donations, many from alumni.” 当然,这样时时地提醒学生也可以让他们知道学校的学习设备部分来自于校友的捐赠,让他们怀有一颗感恩的心,同时也懂得节约与节俭。