2. 利奇:“语言的人类学:动物范畴与骂人话”,载《20世纪西方人类学文选》,上海三联1995版,第331-362页。或:Edmund Leach, Anthropological aspects of language: animal categories and verbal abuse, in E.H. Lenneberg ed., New Directions in the Study of Language, Cambridge, MA,1964。
3.道格拉斯:“《利未记》的憎恶”,载《20世纪西方人类学文选》,上海三联1995版,第322-330页。 或:Mary Douglas, Purity and Danger, Routledge, 1966.
5. Luc de Heusch, The symbolic mechanism of sacred kingship, Man, Vol.3, No.2, pp.213-232.
第五 政治经济学与文化学
1. Igor Kopytoff, The cultural biography of things: commodification as process, in Arjun Appadurai ed., The Social Life of Things, pp.64-95, Cambridge, 1986.
2. Mark Mosko, Inalienable ethnography: keeping-while-giving and the Trobriand case, Man, Vol.6, No.3, 2000, pp.377-398.
3. Arjun Appadurai, Introduction: commodities and the politics of value, in his edited The Social Life of Things, Cambridge, 1986, pp.3-63.
4. Sydney Mintz,甜蜜之权力与权力之甜蜜,《历史人类学学刊》,第二卷第二期,第143—164页。
5. Sydney Mintz, Finding the individual in the global, Asian Anthropology, Vol.3, pp.1-12.
6. 萨林斯,资产阶级的思维:西方社会作为文化,《文化与实践理性》,上海人民2002版,第216-264页。或Marshall Sahlins, Culture and Practical Reason, Chicago, 1976.
第六 灵与肉:“人作为物”的西方论述
1. Maurice Bloch, Almost eating the ancestors, in his Ritual, History, and Power: Selected Papers in Anthropology, Athlone, 1989, pp.166-186.
2. James Watson, Of flesh and bones: the management of death pollution in Cantonese society, in Maurice Bloch and Jonathan Parry eds., Death and the Regeneration of Life, Cambridge, 1982, pp.155-186.