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标题: [东旻]苗族非物质文化遗产研究 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2008-12-4 15:40     标题: [东旻]苗族非物质文化遗产研究

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【作者】东旻 【导师】胡绍华


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 苗族是一个历史悠久的古老民族,在漫长的融合、迁徙、发展过程中,积淀了丰富多彩的传统文化。由于古代苗族没有用来记录历史的民族文字,所以苗族传统文化基本上是以口头与模仿方式传承,也就决定了苗族文化中包含有大量非物质文化遗产。近些年来,由于经济、社会的现代化速度加快,社会变迁加剧,引起苗族传统文化及原来生态环境的变化,使传统文化尤其是非物质文化遗产的研究与保护形势显得尤为紧迫。 在政府的高度重视下,就非物质文化遗产的研究与保护而言,全国总体形势较好。然而,在目前的学术界,虽然有一些关于苗族文化方面的著述,但是把苗族非物质文化遗产研究作为单独命题的论述尚不多见,本文将对苗族非物质文化遗产进行整理,以填补这方面的空缺。 本文的重点是对苗族非物质文化遗产做一个全面、系统的梳理,因此,本文在准确理解非物质文化遗产的概念与范畴的基础上,在进行整体论述的同时,重点把握一部分珍贵、独特且又濒临灭绝的苗族非物质文化遗产,并进而分析其主要特点。 非物质文化遗产指的是“被各群体、团体、有时为个人视为其文化遗产的各种实践、表演、表现形式、知识和技能及其有关的工具、实物、工艺品和文化场所。”包括5个方面:口头传说和表述,包括作为非物质文化遗产媒介的语言;表演艺术;社会风俗、礼仪、节庆;有关自然界和宇宙的知识和实践;传统的手工艺技能。2006年5月国务院公布“第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录”,把非物质文化遗产的范畴具体分为10类:①民间文学;②民间音乐;③民间舞蹈;④传统戏剧;⑤曲艺;⑥杂技与竞技;⑦民间美术;⑧传统手工技艺;⑨传统医药;⑩民俗。本文根据上述5个方面的内容和10项具体类别,主要对苗族的民间文学、表演艺术、习俗与节日、传统知识与实践、传统手工技艺等方面进行了整理。民间文学中,苗族古歌与长诗最具文化价值与民族特色;西部苗族的芦笙舞和飞歌在表演艺术中最具代表性;传统苗族服饰、习俗与节日中积淀了非常深厚的历史与文化蕴涵。 通过分析和研究,笔者总结出苗族非物质文化遗产的主要特征为历史性。由于没有本民族文字伴生流传,为了记录历史,各地苗族先民不约而同地把他们对祖先、族源的记忆和曾经发生过的重大事件融入到古歌、芦笙舞、服饰、节日、习俗等非物质文化当中。如:流传于黔西北、滇东北的芦笙舞是用表演艺术形式再现苗族迁徙历程;许多地方的苗族服饰中都带有深刻的历史印记;大多数苗族传统节日如“四月八”、“花山节”等都是为了纪念历史上的重要人物或重大事件。因此,历史蕴涵深厚是苗族非物质文化遗产的主要特征。另外,苗族非物质文化遗产还具有综合性和濒危性的特点。 除了对苗族非物质文化遗产进行梳理之外,本文还就其保护做了初步探讨。对苗族非物质文化遗产的保护,主要在于提高非物质文化遗产传承主体的科学认识,加强他们的保护意识;运用现代科技手段,对一些影响深远、具有鲜明民族特色且处于灭绝或失传状态的优秀非 物质文化遗产进行优先发掘和重点保护,运用文字记录和现代影视方式,先把这些珍贵的非物质文化遗产如实存档;在坚持本民族历史与传统的前提下,尽可能地让苗族非物质文化遗产去积极地适应现代社会的发展,使其得以继续传承。  

Miao is an ancient Chinese nationality with a long history owns abundant traditional culture during its long process of combination, migration and development. Ancient Miao people inherited their traditional culture by oral and imitation methods because they had no written language to record their history, and therefore plenty of intangible cultural heritages came into being. With the rapid modernization on economy and society, great changes happened from recent years, and then caused the elimination of traditional Miao culture and its original ecological environment, thus brought the urgency on the research and protection of traditional Miao culture, especially the intangible cultural heritages. With the high attention by government, generally speaking, situation is rather good in the field of research and protection on intangible cultural heritage, however, although there were some books on Miao culture, few people study on Miao intangible cultural heritage. This dissertation will sort out Miao intangible heritages to fill this academic blank. The main purpose of this dissertation is to make a thorough and systemic study on Miao intangible cultural heritages. On the base of exact understanding on the concept and contents of intangible cultural heritage, at the time to study Miao intangible cultural heritages on the whole, give priority on a few part of precious, unique and endangered intangible cultural heritages, and then analyze the main characteristics of Miao intangible heritage. Intangible cultural heritage mean "the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills------as well as the instruments, objects, artifacts and cultural spaces associated therewith------that communities, groups and, in some place, individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage." Intangible cultural heritage including 5 domains: oral traditions and expression, including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage; performing arts; social practices, rituals and festive events; knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe; traditional craftsmanship. The State Council announced the "list of the first group of national standard intangible cultural heritages" in May 2006. According to this list and the scope of intangible cultural heritage are divided into 10 specialized catalogues: folk literature; folk music; folk dance; traditional drama; ballad singing; acrobatism and athletics; folk art; traditional craftsmanship; traditional medicine; folk custom. According to the above 5 domains and 10 catalogues, this dissertation mainly studies on Miao folk literature, performing arts, custom and festivals, traditional knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe, traditional craftsmanship. Among Miao folk literature, ancient poems and long poems own special cultural value and typical Miao characters; Lusheng dance and flying songs of western Miao are most special among the performing arts; traditional Miao costume, custom and festivals also own a quite deep historical and cultural significance. On the base of the above study, a conclusion was drawn out that the main characteristic of Miao intangible cultural heritage is its historical meaning. Because of lacking ancient written language, in order to memorize their own history, most of the ancient Miao people in different places put their memory of ancestors, origin of Miao, and important events into intangible cultural heritages such as ancient poems, Lusheng dance, costume, festival and custom and so on. For example, Lusheng dance in northwest of Guizhou and northeast of Yunnan is actually the performing art of Miao migration; there are many historical meanings on Miao costumes in different places; most traditional Miao festivals such as "8th of April", "Flower Mountain" are in the memory of important persons or events on Miao history. Therefore, the main characteristic of Miao intangible cultural heritage is possessing profound historical significance. Besides, Miao intangible cultural heritage also has the characters of intersection and endangerment. This dissertation also gives an initial discussion on the protection of Miao intangible cultural heritage. It is very important to let the common Miao people know the value of their intangible cultural heritage and strengthen their idea of protection; truthfully record some intangible cultural heritages which have great influence, typical national characters and at the same are dying out by the use of modern technology; on the base of insisting on national history and tradition, try our best to make Miao intangible cultural heritage fitting with the modern society and thus to passe those heritages on.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 苗族; 非物质文化遗产; 历史; 保护 Miao; intangible cultural heritage; history; protection

【发表年期】2007年02期 【网络出版投稿人】中央民族大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.071664 攻读期成果

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