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标题: [倪晋波]秦国文学研究 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2008-12-4 15:33     标题: [倪晋波]秦国文学研究

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On the Literature of the State of Qin

【作者】倪晋波 【导师】蒋凡


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 所谓“秦国文学”,并非通常所讲的“秦代文学”和“秦文学”,而是指发生在诸侯国时代的秦的文学行为及其成果。其文学行为的时间上起秦襄公八年立国,下讫秦王政二十六年统一六国(770B.C.-221B.C.),计达550年;其文学行为的土壤是秦国,而非其他诸侯国;其文学行为的主体是秦人,但不限于秦族;其文学成果包括传世文献和出土资料两部分。从文学角度对现有秦国文献进行梳理和阐述,不仅是理解秦人历史、文化的路径之一,也是丰富古典文学世界的实践之一。 根据目前的资料,秦国550年的文学历程可分为春秋时期(秦襄公至秦哀公)、战国早中期(秦厉公至秦武王)以及战国后期(秦昭王至秦王政)三个阶段。三个时期的文学状况具有明显的不平衡性,在文体等方面也有差别。 春秋时期的秦国文学是西周礼乐文化与秦民族勇武激越的文化精神相交融的产物。秦民族在立国之前,就已受周文化之辐射。至秦文公之世,以立史官为标志,正式确立起周文化认同。而在春秋中期的穆公、景公时代,秦人的周化进程达到一个高峰,《石鼓文》、秦公簋铭等是其文学体现。秦人在吸收和借鉴西周礼乐文明的同时,并没有丧失其民族个性,其雄迈尚力的族群气质在《秦风》、《石鼓文》等作品中都有反映。文体方面,此期秦国文学以四言的诗歌为主体,散文方面则有《秦记》和《秦誓》。创作主体方面,此期的秦文学具有显著的贵族化特征,而民间的声音比较微弱。艺术风貌方面,《秦记》文笔简古,颇类《春秋》;“秦诗”气象激越而苍凉,笔致沉静而灵动;《秦誓》疏落爽利,典雅深致。春秋时代的很多秦文学作品都有独特的艺术魅力,它们是秦国文学获得独立文学史地位的重要价值基础。 战国早、中期的秦国薄于艺文,几无文学作品传世。秦孝公任用商鞅进行以法治和农战为核心内容的改革,排斥任何形式的文艺活动,严格限制《诗》、《书》等文献的传播,并实行愚民政策,从而阻断了早期镜鉴自周的礼乐文化传统,建立起以法为尊的单一文化体系,并养成激进、功利的文化精神。此期的秦国文学因此陷入低潮。秦惠文王时代的《诅楚文》,属于当时比较流行的诅祝文,在写法上有一定的模式,在文辞上也颇类《吕相绝秦书》,创造性不高。 战国后期的秦国文学活动日渐活跃,愈益多姿。秦昭王之后,天下一统的大势渐趋明朗,文化融合的迹象也越来越明显。秦国文化在法家主体之外,也融入了更多的异质因素。睡简《为吏之道》和《日书》即是其显证。战国后期的秦国文学也因之具有“国际主义”色彩,其文学主体由“礼乐文学”变为“诸子文学”,其主导文学样式也由诗歌变为散文。《吕氏春秋》荟萃晚周诸子之精义,各类寓言故事精彩纷呈,堪称秦国“诸子文学”之典范。李斯《谏逐客书》也是战国后期秦散文之杰作。与春秋秦文学的贵族化特质不同,民间因素在此期的秦国文学中占据了非常重要的位置。《日书·诘篇》诙谐灵动,充满世俗情趣;《黑夫尺牍》和《惊尺牍》是最早的战地家书,深情悲怆,具有普世性的超越价值。这些秦国“民间文学”的佳品,连同《墓主记》和《日书》中的保留上古神话情节,不仅为秦国文学注入了新内涵,而且为重新审视古代文学史上的某些既定结论提供了新证据,具有重要的文学史意义。 550年的秦国文学历程向我们昭示:一个开放而多元的文化体系是文学取得进步的前提,也是文学的魅力获得解放的支撑,而封闭而单一的文化形态必然会遏制文学的活力;文学本身虽然有某种内在发展规律,但它在尚未“进化”至自觉时代之前,某些外部因素,比如政治意识形态对其进程有直接的影响。 文学是历史的,也是文化的,还是审美的,更是情感的。所有这些,不仅是评价秦国文学本身的标杆,也是研究秦国文学课题所获得的启迪。

"The literature of the State of Qin" isn't "the literature of the Qin Dynasty" or "the literature of Qin", but means the literary activities and works in the State of Qin and the Kingdom of Qin in the Spring and Autumn Period(770B.C.-221B.C.). Its background is not the other states, but the State of Qin; its dominant member of the literary activities are the Qin people; its literary works inculdes the classics come down from the old times and the unearthed documents in recent years. When we research about the literature of the State of Qin, we can better understand the history and culture of the QinYing nation and the world of the Chinese classics. According to the current documents, the long history of the State of Qin's literature can be divided into three stages, namely, the Spring and Autumn Period(from the age of Duke Xiang to the age of Duke Ai), early and middle of the Warring States Periods(from the age of Duke Qin Li to the age of King Wu) and late of the Warring States Periods(from the age of King Zhao to the age of King YingZheng). There are remarkable difference between above three periods in literary achievement, style and so on. The literature of the State of Qin in the Spring and Autumn Period was a product of the rites and music culture of the XiZhou Dynasty integration of the cultural spirit of the State of Qin people. The culture of the XiZhou Dynasty had influenced on the QinYing nation before they founded a normal state. Official Historian was been set up by Duke Wen of the State of Qin marked they formal approved the rites and music culture. The doctrine of Zhou reached its height in the State of Qin at the age of Duke Mu and Duke Jing of the State of Qin. This shift in the culture was reflected in the literary works, such as the Qin Songs, the Brone Inscriptions in Qingonggui, and so on. On the other hand, the State of Qin people had not lost their cultural spirit in process of adopting the rites and music culture of the XiZhou Dynasty. We can found their national individuality through their classics, such as Wuyi of the Qin Songs and the Stone Drums. The main literary style of the Qin literature in the Spring and Autumn Period is potery. There were lots of graceful and valuable works of the State of Qin in this stage, for an example, the Qin Shi, Jianjia of the Qin Songs, ect. They are the important base of the State of Qin's literature getting a special and independent status in the history of the Chinese classics. The State of Qin was almost not any literary work in the early and middle of the Warring States Periods. Duke Xiao of the State of Qin and Shang Yang decided to make an attempt to revolutionize the old Qin ways. The sole of the law of Shang Yang was how to make the State of Qin stronger and richer. To achieve this end, an elaborate and rigidly enforced system of rewards and publishments, will insure the cooperation of the people, while trade, fearing, art, anything that may distract their energies from the pursuit of the goals were to be suppressed. So, the State Qin literature of slide into a low point in this stage. The work of the ZuChuWen was been finished in the age of King Huiwen through imitated other literary work, the LuXiangJueQinShu in the literal, and displayed little originaltity. The literary activities in the State of Qin in late of the Warring States Periods had become alive and varied. At that time, reunification of the states was the aspiration of the whole nation. And the trend of culture fusion was accelerating more obviously than ever before. This phenomenon was becoming more and more manifest in the State of Qin. The Daybook on the Bamboo Slips of the Qin Dynasty and the Way to Be An Offical on the Bamboo Slips of the Qin Dynasty Unearthed in Shuihudi were evidences. Because of these, the literary works of the State of Qin in this stage, such as LuShiChunQiu and Admonition Against Ordering Guests to Leave have special internationalism feature. At the same time, unlike the aristocratic individuality of the the classcis of the State of Qin in in the Spring and Autumn Period, folk factors played an important rote in the works of the State of Qin in late of the Warring States Periods. JiePian of the Daybook on the Bamboo Slips of the Qin Dynasty is very lively and humorous; A Letter from Heifu and A Letter from Jing are full of sincere feeling. They should had a high place in the history of the State of Qin literature and the history of Chinese Classics. The history of the State of Qin literature fully 550 years clearly demonstrate that an opening and multi-cultural system is a precondition for continuous development of literature. On the contrary, a closed and mono-cultural system would delay inevitably the progress of literature. Meanwhile, literature has inherent and particular principle in its historical phases, but some outside factors, such as the ideology of the political also playing greatly influenced on it. Literature is historical, also is cultural, is still esthetic, and is emotional. All these not only are the standards which judge value on the State of Qin literary works, but also are the enlightenment from this paper.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 秦国文学; 历史; 文化; 政治; 意义 the State of Qin literature; history; culture; political; significance

【发表年期】2007年06期 【网络出版投稿人】复旦大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.168792 攻读期成果

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