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标题: [刘波]20世纪上半叶中国民间文艺学基本话语的嬗变 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2008-12-4 15:20     标题: [刘波]20世纪上半叶中国民间文艺学基本话语的嬗变

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【作者】刘波 【导师】郑元者


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 民间文艺学“基本话语”,指对民间文学进行多维定义的语句,它作为人们思想观念的外化方式,呈现的是民间文学的本体、范畴及方法论等一系列生发其他非逻辑话语的起点。在行文中,一般以关键词或核心概念的方式加以提取。本文以基本话语为着眼点,以话语理论为研究方法,探讨中国民间文艺学基本话语的内在逻辑和历史嬗变,即民间文艺学话语得以生成和延续的历史机制与线索。围绕话语链之间诸因素的关系,将民间文学的历史、原理、作品、人物等折射在话语层面,考察置身在现代性境遇中的中国民间文艺学家,如何运用民间的语言材料和言说空间,将自身的经验付诸表达,语言和经验如何经过民间文艺家的倾力熔铸而成为现代性的话语形态。本文的主体部分由五章构成:第一章从晚清学者提出“文言合一”,到五四学者胡适标举“活的文学",周作人提出“人的文学”的话语链,梳理和评析民间文艺学基本话语的萌生和初步形成,认为民间文艺学作为现代学术的分支,是晚清和五四两代学人“共谋”开创出的新天地。萌生期的“民间文学”就是“文学”,是一套颠覆传统的意识形态。第二章分析二三十年代学者对民间文学原理的探讨和话语实践,指出他们在原理上相继并深化的话语链,使“民间文学”从“文学”中分化出来,具有了学科的雏形。话语实践中,神话、歌谣、民间故事的研究发现了文本的“变异性”,并通过对变异文本的阐释形成了一套方法论范式。民间文艺学话语在萌生期文学本位的基础上推展开来。第三章分析了抗日战争时期原理层面民间文学的“学术性”,已经由萌生期的隐性话语上升为显性话语,引导民间文学的本体从文学转型为民俗学。话语实践方面,国统区的话语以人类学、民俗学为本位,沦陷区以俗文学为本位,解放区以毛泽东话语、无人格主体的大众话语为本位,展开的是“民间文学运动”。民间文艺学基本话语发生三个维度的转型,与此前的话语断裂,不再是连续的整体。第四章以国共内战到新中国成立为话语背景,描述并分析民间文艺学的基本话语被建构为“阶级性”和“人民性”的过程及由此带来的“民间文学”与“人民文学”的混淆和迷茫。指出这一阶段的话语接续解放区的话语秩序,以文化再启蒙为使命,话语回到其诞生的起点,上半叶曾轰动一时的民间文艺学理论及方法论范式成为模糊的影子。第五章是本文的结论部分,通过上述四章的分析,总结出“内外动力因互动共生”的话语嬗变机制。并综合上半叶的经验教训,反思当前的民间文艺学,提出民间文艺学本土话语建构的几点意见和展望。

Primary discourse of folk-literature means: description of the truth for folk-literature which includes noumenon、category、methodology. In this dissertation, they would be picked up with key words or nucleus conceptions. In my dissertation, discourse is the main method. The main contents include the emergence、development、transformation、wilderment of primary discourse and its change mechanism. There are five chapters in all in this dissertation: Chapter 1 is the naissance period. Here from Huang Zunxian、Liang Qichao to Hu Shi、Zhou zuoren, their literary conception bring about the naissance of the folk-literature. At the very beginning, "folk-literature" is "literature". Chapter 2 is the development period. Here scholars go deep into the theory of folk-literature thus make folk-literature to be a subject which separate from the literature. On the other hand, The field of scholarship dealing with the systematic collection and study of myths、ballads、folktales, make variance of text be clear, and the methodology be summed up according it. Chapter 3 is the transformation period. Chinese-Japanese war is the background. Here folk-literature is the materials to anthropology, or come to be light literature, or just to be the literature form but is movement that relate the Communist Party and the mass. The primary discourse of folk-literature is changed. Chapter 4 is the wilderment period. The war between Kuomintang and Communist Party, and the People's Republic of China come into existence are the background. Here "class" and "dumb millions" are the primary discourse of folk-literature. Thus folk-literature and dumb millions literature are a confusion in that time. Folk-literature come back to its beginning, those noumenon、category、methodology which had stirred in the half part of 20 century, now become to be blurry shadow. Chapter 5 is the conclusion of this dissertation. First, summarize all the contents, second, conclude the inside and outside change mechanism, third, reflect the folk Literary Scholarship nowadays and advanced three ideas in order to promote the development of folk Literary Scholarship.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 民间文艺学; 基本话语; 学术史; 嬗变机制 Folk Literary Scholarship; Primary Discourse; Academic History; Change Mechanism

【发表年期】2007年06期 【网络出版投稿人】复旦大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.168854 攻读期成果

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