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标题: [沈炯哲]中国阿尔泰语系诸民族禁忌文化研究 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2008-11-24 15:32     标题: [沈炯哲]中国阿尔泰语系诸民族禁忌文化研究

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【作者】沈炯哲 【导师】白振声


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 禁忌,是民间传承极为普遍的一种文化现象,它属于人类精神文化中的心意民俗范畴。古往今来,就全球范围而言,不论是经济文化比较发达的先进民族,还是发展缓慢的后进民族,在他们的社会生活中都程度不同地存在着内容和形式或相同,或相似,或者完全相反的禁忌习俗。 回溯历史,可以比较直观地发现,伴随着人类社会的逐步演进和民族群体不断进步,笃守禁忌习俗者的数量已经大大减少,禁忌的存在范围在明显缩小,虔诚的顺从观念在人们的头脑中渐趋淡化。但是尽管如此,由于我们对禁忌这种长期作用于人们精神心理的特殊文化事象缺乏较为深入的探索研究,所以,每逢提及禁忌习俗,人们的态度总是大相径庭。了解一些科学知识的人,往往认为它荒诞不经而报以鄙弃的一瞥,或者将其视为“封建迷信”的残余,加以“口诛笔伐”。而那些缺乏起码文化素质的“文盲”或“科盲”,则觉得禁忌事象神秘莫测,难解其详,进而成为跪拜于它的脚下的温驯奴隶,受其左右,不敢越雷池一步。 禁忌习俗渊源流长,作为文化积淀的一部分,它的内容是极其丰富的。禁忌的最初形成,大多是出于某种功利目的,如用以约束规范人们的思想、道德、信仰、语言和行为等等。因而,它所留下的更多的是人类认识能力处于初始阶段的“蹒跚”的足迹,表露着“人之初”的心理、愿望和幻想。 从原始时期,人们一边开拓自然,一边创造文化。后来人们顺应于自己创造的文化,而且为了维持社会秩序又创造了信仰。禁忌是早期人类从创造生产、生活文化到创造信仰过程中产生的最古老的无形法律。禁忌也是人类和自然斗争中为了获得更好、更安全的生活条件而产生的一种思维与行为方式。一般地说,禁忌是风俗之一,同时禁忌又属于巫术的一部分。但巫术是为了一定的结果而积极祈求方式,而禁忌则是为了避免某种不幸而进行的消极回避方式。 本论文,主要运用实地调查研究和相关历史文献研究结合的方法。首先以中国阿尔泰语系诸民族的有关资料为中心收集禁忌文化。通过人类学、民俗学、宗 教学等理论分析各民族的禁忌类型。其次,直接对几个代表性的民族进行实地调 查。最后,采访一些民族的老人和有关专家。同时,通过文化功能论、心理人类 学、结构主义、文化相对论以及马克思主义民族学等理论,分析和揭示各民族禁 忌文化的特点、作用与实质。 各个少数民族都有神话、传说和故事。它们大都深涵着禁忌的踪迹。如果我 们以禁忌的角度审读这些民间口头叙事文学,就能推论和分析出禁忌的产生原 因。 中国少数民族有55个。本论文仅选择阿尔泰语系诸民族来研究他们的禁忌文 化。阿尔泰语系分为突厥语族、蒙古语族和满一通古斯语族。中国操突厥语族语 言的有维吾尔、哈萨克、柯尔克孜、撒拉、裕固(尧乎尔)、乌孜别克、塔塔尔等 7个民族,人口约995万。蒙古语族包括蒙古、达斡尔、土、裕固(恩格尔)、东 乡、保安等6个民族,人口约673万。满一通古斯语族包括满、锡伯、赫哲、鄂温 克、鄂伦.春等5个民族,人口约1093万。朝鲜族因语言系属在学术界尚有争论, 故暂不纳入本文讨论。 为了达到研究的目的,首先按照禁忌的类型把收集的各民族的禁忌分为宗教 禁忌、生产禁忌、生育禁忌、饮食禁忌、服饰禁忌、居所禁忌、婚姻禁忌、丧葬 禁忌、生活禁忌,再分析各个禁忌的产生原因和功能,并且对影响人们思维和行 为的禁忌进行分析。具体的研究内容是:第一章,绪论(禁忌的定义、禁忌的产 生、禁忌的作用及功能、禁忌的特征)。第二章,中国阿尔泰语系各民族禁忌文 化类型分析。第三章,中国阿尔泰语系各民族禁忌文化比较。第四章,与韩民族 禁忌文化比较。第五章,禁忌的演变方向。结语(禁忌文化的内涵、意义及其继 续存在的条件)。 中国阿尔泰语系诸民族禁忌文化的内涵与意义可以概括为以下几点。 第一,它蕴含着各民族的自然观。禁忌中包含着自然观。比如说“那是 山”,意思仅指山而己。若说“这山有山神”就不同了。许多像这样的禁忌都将 生物、非生物神化或拟人化,表达对其的尊重。这种禁忌表示着人类应与自然和 谐生存。尽管环境决定各民族的禁忌,但禁忌却都将人与自然融为一体。 第二,它蕴含着各民族的宗教观。许多民族信仰的现代宗教,都是从原始宗 教发展来的。现代宗教虽比原始宗教科学,但任何现代宗教都有原始宗教的残 余。这表现在宗教发展过程中吸收自然崇拜、图腾崇拜、萨满教等原始宗教的思 想。而且宗教也体现了各民族的传统习俗。 第三,它蕴含着各民族的社会观。很显然,在许多民族中都有告诉人们如何 对待长者、妇女、他人的禁忌。这些禁忌逐步发展为礼节,并为当今社会的我们 所普遍利用。 蕴含自然观、宗教观和社会观的禁忌是人类生存所需的最起码的条件。最初 禁忌虽是基于自我保护的本能而形成,但随着社会的发展,添加了人为因素且范 围逐步扩大,在政治、宗教等领域己被应用。单纯地说“不要做什么”,其控制 力是很弱的。但若附上“做了不应该做的事,就会发生无法想象的灾祸”的话, 就算本来不  

Taboo is one of the universal culture which has been handed down by ordinary people, and it belongs to folk category. From ancient times most of the ethnic all over the globe have preserved their own taboos regardless of their economic power's high and low. In some cases the contents and types of taboo are identical each other, also in some other cases totally contrary. As society's development, we can easily find out from the history that binding force of taboo for human beings has been dramatically decreased, or most of it has already lost its power, or not able to display its strength any more. Comparing with taboo's long history of manipulating human society both in mental and psychology, studies for the reasons of taboo culture's gradual declination seem insufficient. People's point of view for taboo is also not identical. Relatively scientific persons regard taboo as nonsense, claiming that it should be abolished due to its feudalistic and superstitious residue. On the contrary relatively ignorant persons still tend to have a blind faith in taboo's mysterious power. History of taboo as a part of accumulating culture of human beings is far longer than our imagination, also has full of variety in its kind. The initial taboo mostly begins with public interests, and gradually started binding person's ideology, morality, religion, language, and behaviors. So within taboo we can find the trace of primitive stage of human beings who lack in conception, and also can find people's desire and illusion which reflects initial psychological state of human beings. From primitive times, people have created cultures by struggling with nature. They got accustomed to culture which invented by their own hands, and also created religion to maintain social order. Taboo is an ancient form of incorporeal law invented in the process of productive activities, daily lives, and creation of religion. Taboo is also sort of thinking method or life style which helps human beings to gain more things and keep them safe from struggling against nature. Generally taboo is categorized as one of folklore. It also belongs to a part of shamanism. While shamanism is a positive activity which leads certain outcomes, taboo is a passive one to avoid misfortune or ill luck. This thesis is mainly based on both field research and documentary study. First of all, I've collected taboo culture of each ethnic, and analyzed each type centering around anthropology, folklore, and theological theory of the Altaic group of language in China. I've also done a field research on the representative ethnics, and got information from visiting scholars and aged men of each ethnic. In addition, I've collected mythology and legend in order to inquire into the derivation and significance of taboo. Simultaneously through study of cultural functionalism, psycho-anthropology, structuralism cultural relativism, and Marxism theory, I've analyzed taboo culture of each ethnic, and finally deduced its characteristics and functions. There are fifty-five ethnics in mainland of China, but I've contemplated only the ethnic of Altaic group of language in this thesis. Turki, Mongolian, and Manchurian-Tungus ethnics belong to Altaic group of language. There are seven ethnics such as Weiwuer, Hasake, Keerkezi, Sala, Yugu, Wuzibieke, Tataer in Turki group of language. The ethnic of Mongolian, Dawoer, Tu, Dongxiang, Baoan belong to the Mongolian group of language. In Manchurian-Tungus group of language, there are Man, Xibo, Hezhe, Ewenke, Elunchun. Though Chaoxian ethnic belongs to the Altaic group of language, I've purposely excluded it from my research. There are two reasons. The first reason is because current culture of Chaoxian ethnic was derived from Korea, and the other one is that its history only began in 1952. Besides, most of the current Chaoxian culture has been changed a lot, or lost its peculiar tradition. To achieve the main purpose of the thesis, I've divided each ethnic taboos into nine categories such as a religious taboo, a productive taboo, a reari

【发表年期】2004年03期 【网络出版投稿人】中央民族大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2004.073363

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