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标题: [鲜益]彝族口传史诗的语言学诗学研究 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2008-11-24 15:30     标题: [鲜益]彝族口传史诗的语言学诗学研究

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Linguistics and Poetry Study on Yi's Oral Epic

【作者】鲜益 【导师】冯宪光


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 本文以中国西南地区诺苏彝族口头史诗《勒俄特衣》为个案,借鉴二十世纪西方史诗学和民俗学研究的重要方法论——口头诗学理论,对彝族传统口承韵文的程式特征、语词范型及叙事模式进行了全面细微的实证性分析。论文针对长期以来在中国少数民族传统文学研究工作中忽视民族文学语言自身审美属性,以单向的文化研究取代审美研究的作法,提出回归少数民族文学研究的本体——口头文学语言,是中国民族史诗研究的主要方向,从而在理论依据和方法论上,为中国少数民族史诗研究确立新的思路。 全文共分七部分。在前言部分,论文以反思中国文学人类学研究的理论背景、方法论为视角,提出当前少数民族民间文学的研究缺乏学科的主体性和自律性,学术话语被边缘化。加之学科分类的模糊与混同,使我们的学术话语无法在规范、科学的标尺下表达,从而使少数民族民间文学研究的学术空间日趋狭窄。鉴于此,我们应该认识到,对中国文学人类学知识话语的反思,并不意味着将西学中原有的合理性内核一概予以否定。尤其是在方法论的运用方面,中国文学人类学及民族民间文学研究界急需借鉴、参照西方相关学界严谨、规范的学术标尺,确立一套能够被国际学术界认可的话语体系。在此基础上,将“口头程式理论”(Oral Formulaic Theory)纳入到研究中国少数民族口头文学的方法论系统内。 第一章介绍了从帕里(Milman Parry)、洛德(Albert Bates Lord)到弗里 (John Miles Foley)等学者的“口头诗学”原理,简明扼要梳理了这一理论的 学术史历程,“口头程式理论”是20世纪西方学术界一个引人注目的理论,在 其跨学科的理论成果中,己建立起比较规范化的研究体系,有明晰而科学的概 念;有较强的实证性和可操作性,特别是在对民间口头文学的研究中具有普遍 的适应性。论文特别指出“口头诗学”的形成源自对古典语文学传统的继承, 也同二十世纪初西方语言学学科背景的凸显有密切关联。就其方法论而言,它 又与俄国形式主义诗学的理路接近。“口头诗学”理论的核心概念是“程式” (F。~la),其创始人帕里注意到荷马史诗句法中传统的、程式的性质,不只 是为了便利而设置的一种手段,而其最大可能的发展就是以六音步作为中介, 去讲述一个种族的英雄故事。这样的理路与彝族传统文论对诗歌语体格律和声 韵的重视是极为切近的,作者由此对彝族传统文论中的程式理念进行了全面梳 理。从彝语语言学背景出发,论文对彝语书面文学和口头文学的语体程式作了 详尽分析,彝诗的五言体句型是彝族文学语体的基本模式,彝族传统书面作品 大多是用五言韵文的形式写成,除文学外,经书、医书、历史、哲学、天文地 理均以五言韵文体写就。因为彝语的“文”和“诗”基本上是通过口耳相传的 “声教”方式传承的,所以彝族诗论家们特别强调声韵在文和诗的写作过程中 的重要作用。彝语韵文的音韵规律主要体现在“声”与“音”二字上。“声” 与“音”在彝诗音韵格律中是两个不可或缺的因素。“声”是指声调或平仄而言:“音”在这里应即押韵的韵。由此,论文以详实的文本实例,归纳出彝族传统文论的四种诗律原则:押、扣、连、对。在该章的结尾部分,论文分析了 彝族传统叙事类韵文的程式化特征。提出叙事类诗歌是彝族古代诗歌的主体, 所以彝族古代诗论的核心也是叙事诗论。求真的叙事思维和求主的叙事模式是 彝语叙事诗的核心,彝族古代诗学中的叙事原则恰好形成了一个从内向外、从 下向上不断延展的逻辑序列,由此形成它与口头诗学理论在叙事模式上的切合 点。其叙事模式的逻辑推演序列为:字(主韵—韵律)~句(主句—句法) 一段(主段—修辞)~篇章(中心—主题)。 第二章以“口头性”和“文本性”为核心,阐释了作为活形态的彝族史诗 《勒俄特衣》的民俗背景。史诗《勒俄特衣》在凉山地区的传承和流播是在宗 教和世俗两个路径上同时展开的。史诗是彝族传统的职业宗教活动者毕摩送灵 招魂、祀神驱邪和占卜除秽的宗教经籍的组成部分之一。与此同时,作为典籍 的《勒俄特衣》也是彝族口耳传递的民间口头文学传统的典范,它与民间长诗 《阿莫尼惹》、《阿惹牛》,以及教育经典《玛木特依》等民众文献一样,以 口承方式在民间广泛流播,成为一部彝族文化的百科全书。彝族史诗《勒俄特 衣》根据文本内容的不同,有其不同的民俗展演差异,分为《勒俄阿补》(公 勒俄),《勒俄阿莫》(母勒俄),分别在不同场合和仪式中演唱(((勒俄阿补》 在丧葬和送灵仪式上演唱,《勒俄阿莫》主要用于婚嫁仪式)。在这样的民俗语 境中,才华横溢,记忆超群的参赛歌手们与其听众共同构成了一个以史诗传统 为核心的族群社团。借助于史诗田野调查和文本基本样态的比较,在彝族史诗 活态的展演流变路径中,我们可以从三个层面去把握史诗《勒俄特衣》的文本 间性:文本依附的仪式层—《勒俄阿补》(公史)与《勒俄阿莫》(母史); 文本的演述方式层—《勒俄阿诺》(黑勒俄)与《勒俄阿曲》(白勒俄);文本的内容层—《勒俄特衣》与《古侯》、《雪族》、《古侯略夫》等异文本的基 干情节差异。 第三章对史诗《勒俄特衣》的音步、韵式作

This paper is a case study of Hnewo tepyy, the oral epic of the Yi living in southwest China. Using the Oral Poetry Theory, an important methodology in the 20th century western epic and folklore studies, the paper thoroughly analyzes the Yi epic traditions in terms of oral formula, diction and narrative theory. The paper proposes that ethnic minority oral epic studies should focus on the ethnic minority language, thus giving new lights on ethnic minority epic studies in theory and methodology.The paper systematically introduces the Oral Poetry Theory represented by Parry, Lord and Foley, asserting that such theory can be used while studying the Chinese ethnic epics. It establishes theoretical relations between the Yi traditional literature and the western the Oral Poetry. Following this agenda, the paper thoroughly explores the orality, textuality and intertextuality of the Yi epic traditions. Meanwhile, it analyses the rhythm, meter, diction, formula, epithet, theme and narrative patterns in Hnewo tepyy.The paper has seven chapters. At the beginning, the author introspects to the methods and theory on the ethnic literatures in China. It explicates the necessity of using the Oral Formulaic Theory for Chinese scholars. It points out that the aesthetic nature of the ethnic language has long been overlooked in traditional studies of Chinese ethnic minority literature, thus Parry-Lord Theory can be borrowed for Chinese epic study.Chapter One introduces the evolution of oral poetry theory, and the formula in traditional Yi's poetics and literature. Firstly, the dissertation looks back on the history of Oral Poetry from Milman Parry, Albert Bates Lord to John Miles Foley. The theory has established scientific theory system which can be positive and practical since the beginning of the 20th century. The paper emphasizes that the Oral Poetry Theory derived from the Classic Linguistics in German, and that there are similar methods between it and Russian Formalism, because they are related to the Linguistic theory of Ferdinand de Saussure. Parry thought that "formula" is the most important concept in Oral Poetry, which can be defined as an expression regularly used under the same metrical conditions to express an essential idea in Homeric epic. For the most part, the term was used to relate the hero tale of ethnic rather than to facilitate expression in tradition songs. It's the same with Yi's tradition poetics, which stresses the important roles of rhyme and sound in their composition. On the basis of Yi's linguistics, the paper analyzes the style in Yi's writings and oral verse. In Yi's tradition verse, there is the tendency that acoustical pattern is highlighted, which is embodied through rhyme, couplet, refrain. Moreover, the paper generalizes the poetry narrative pattern of Yi, whose content involves words(rhyme), lines(diction), paragraph(rhetoric), chapter (theme).Chapter Two, focusing on orality and textuality, illustrates the Yi folklore background and its restrains on epic. Epic Hnewotepyy is transmited through religious and worldly channels in Liangshan region. The former is reflected as religious classic for sending ancestral soul off, wedding, and funeral. The latter is discussed as folk literture and encyclopedia of Yi culture. The intertextuality of Hnewotepyy could be divided into three sections in view of various objects: Male Hnewotepyy, Female Hnewotepyy (rites); Black Hnewotepyy, White Hnewotepyy (performance); Hnewotepyy, Gguho, Vonre, Gguhonyuofu{content).In chapter three, comparing with Chinese traditional verse, the paper demonstrates the formulaic features of rhyme and meter in Hnewotepyy, including dimeter, trimeter, anaphora, epiphora, internal rhymes, etc.The fourth chapter analyzes Hnewo tepyy's words and lines in terms of diction formula. The section describes various formulaic expressions including names of man and objects, man's appearance and character, direction, number, regilious content, appliances, architect, animals, etc.Chapter Five addresses the theme and narrative structure of the ep

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 史诗; 勒俄特衣; 口头诗学; 程式 epic; Hnewo tepyy; oral poetry; formula

【发表年期】2005年02期 【网络出版投稿人】四川大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2005.032024

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