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标题: [李小玲]论胡适文学观中的民俗理念 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2008-11-24 12:54     标题: [李小玲]论胡适文学观中的民俗理念

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【作者】李小玲 【导师】陈勤建


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 胡适是中国现代文化史上一位无法回避的重要人物,人们对他多有评论和分析,但关于他文学观中的民俗理念却鲜有人论及。笔者以为,这是胡适文学观中的一大特征,同时也是一种很有意味的文学现象。本课题选择民俗与文学交叉的视点,着眼于探求胡适文学观中民俗理念的独特性和开拓性。 因为本文的思考是对胡适文学观中的民俗理念进行较全面而系统的考察,本文的主体部分将分三大板块,第一大板块是胡适文学观中民俗理念之成因;第二大板块是胡适民俗视野中的文学观之表征;第三大板块是胡适俗文学观的影响及价值评判。 本文除《导言》和《结语》外,共分五章。 导言的第一个部分,在对民俗概念诠释的基础上提出本文的论述对象——胡适文学观中的民俗理念,第二部分是对胡适文学研究的学术回顾,第三部分是对本课题的几点思考,包括论文提出情况的分析,论文的研究方向、方法及内容等。第一章 中国乡土情怀的积淀和民间文学的浸润 本章分为四个小节:女性情结的积淀;桑梓情怀的沉蕴;徽州文化的濡染;时代潮流的感召。母亲情结抑或女性情结和桑梓之情熏染熔铸了胡适的民俗情感,徽州文化的传统理性积淀合力促成了胡适平等观念和民俗意识的形成,而文化下移的时代潮流又为他民俗情感的外化即以民俗学业内的民间文学为突破口的文学革命的发动提供了契机。 第二章 西方民俗意识的烛照与实验主义的导引 本章为三个小节:美国民主政治的洗礼和基督教文明的感染;西方文艺复兴运动的启迪;实验主义科学方法的引导。美国的民主政治和基督教精神强化了胡适业已形成的民俗意识,欧洲文艺复兴运动中倡导民间返回民间的文学运动的成功经验又给他以启示,杜威的实证主义哲学则为他领导中国文学革命提供了哲学武器和科学方法。 第三章 文学革命:文学观中的民俗理念 本章共分为俗民思想文艺观;白话文学即俗民的文学;俗民文学理论的建构三个章节。胡适的俗民思想文艺观决定了他文学观中的思想预设成分,白话文学观和俗民文学理论的建构都是其民俗理念在文学中的投影。 第四章 民俗学意义上的文学方法论 本章具体为如下三个章节:方法论的发生和民俗学上的意义;民间歌谣和“比较研究法”;中国古典小说考证和“历史演进法”。方法论意义上的民间文学思考,宏观至“评判的态度”、“历史的方法”、“科学的精神”等哲学思想方法,微观到 论胡道又字观中的民俗理念 “历史演变法”和“比较研究法”的实践操作方法,都为民俗学研究提供了方法 上的指导。 第五章胡适的和声与论敌 本章主要从三条主线进行概述,一是民俗学方法的继承—以顾领刚、董作 宾为例;二是从《白话文学史》到《中国俗文学史》;三是从学衡派看胡适民俗 理念的偏差。从胡适的影子与和声中,看其俗民文学观的影响之大、波及之远, 从胡适的论敌与反调中,反观其俗民文学理论和方法的空疏与偏颇。 最后通过胡适与中国现代民俗学思潮之探寻来凸显胡适于中国现代民俗学 上的贡献,这既是对本文写作的一个交代,也作为本文的结语部分。

Hu Shih is one of the most important and unavoidable figures in the history of modern Chinese literature. People have many commentaries on him and analysis about him, but few people discuss Folklore tendency in his viewpoint about literature. The author thinks this is a big feature in Hu Shih's viewpoint of literature and it is a very meaningful literature phenomenon as well. The subject chooses the point of Folklore and literature to explore the specificity and creativity of Floklore tendency in Hu Shih's viewpoint of literature. For the paper is to make a more all-round and systematic investigation in Folklore tendency in Hu Shih's viewpoint of literature, the paper will be divided into three major parts. The first is the cause of Folklore tendency in Hu Shih's viewpoint about literature; the second is the feature of Hu Shih's viewpoint about literature in his Folklore ken; the third is the influence of Hu Shih's viewpoint of folk literature and commentary on its value. Besides "Introduction" and "Concluding" there are five chapters. The first part in "Introduction" puts forward the object discussed in this paper based on translating the conception of Folklore-Folklore tendency in Hu Shih's viewpoint of literature. The second recalls the academic research of Hu Shih's literature. The third is about several refection on the subject, including the analysis put forward in the paper, the research direction, methods, content, etc. Chapter One: Accumulation of Chinese rural flavor and Immersion of folk literature. This chapter is divided into four sections: women's potential complex; accumulation of homeland emotion; immersion of Huizhou culture; inspiration of times tide. Mothers complex or women complex and feelings of homeland make him have feelings to Folklore. The traditional reason of the culture in Huizhou helps to make the formation of Hu Shih's equal ideas and Folklore consciousness, however, the sprays of the times tide of culture movement, encourages him to pursue national progress and the masses' new lives with folk literature. Chapter Two: Illumination of western folklore consciousness and guidance to pragmatism. There are three sections in this chapter: Baptism of American democratic politics and illumination of the civilization of Christianity; enlightenment of the western Renaissance movement; guidance to scientific method of pragmatism. American democratic politics and spirits of Christianity strengthen Hu Shih's folklore consciousness what has been formed. The successful experiences of folk-return-to-folk literature movement initiated hi the European Renaissance enlighten him, Duwei's pragmatism philosophy provides him with philosophy weapons and scientific methods for his leading Chinese Literature Revolution. Chapter Three: Literature Revolution: Folklore tendency in viewpoint of literature. There are three sections: literature and art view of Folklore; the written form of modern Chinese literature; custom literature; the construction of custom literature theory. Hu Shih's literature and art view of Folklore decides his element anticipated in his viewpoint of literature. The viewpoint of the written form of modern Chinese literature and the construction of custom literature theory are the projection of the literature. Chapter Four: Literature methodology in Folklore contention. There are three sections hi this chapter: occurrence of methodology and meaning of Folklore folk songs and "method of Conparative Research" textual research of Chinese classical novels; and the Method of "History Evolution". Folk literature thoughts hi the meaning of methodology, macroscopic to "Be-brave-to-suppose-and-be-careful-to-prove"method of philosophy ideas and misrocosmic to the method of practical operation on "History Evolution" and "Method of Comparative Research" provide Folklore with guidance in methods. Chapter Five: Hu Shih's supporters and opponents This chapter mainly outlines from three aspects. The first is the inheritance of Folklore methods-for example, Gujiegang and Dongzoubing; the

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 胡适; 民俗; 文学 Hu Shih; Folklore; Literature

【发表年期】2003年03期 【网络出版投稿人】华东师范大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2003.094830

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