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标题: [肖梅]中国大陆1900—1966民族音乐实地考察——编年与个案 [打印本页]

作者: luody    时间: 2008-11-19 14:58     标题: [肖梅]中国大陆1900—1966民族音乐实地考察——编年与个案

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Ethnomusicological Fieldworks in Mainland China (1900—1966)

【作者】肖梅 【导师】乔建中; 王耀华


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 在中西方文化广泛交流、持续冲撞的20世纪,一部分中国音乐家致力于音乐创作;另一部分人则全力投入对极为丰富的中国传统音乐宝藏的收集、记录、整理和研究活动。这一活动,既是对此前三千余年民间“采风”传统的合理继承,同时,又不断受到20世纪新的文化潮流和诸多“新学”的深刻影响。笔者将此总称为民族音乐学的“实地考察”。本文即以20世纪前66年的“实地考察”为对象,采用“编年史”和“个案”剖析相结合的方法,分绪论及上下两篇共七章,对1949年以前非音乐界、外国学者、音乐界人士,以及1949年—1966年期间大陆音乐界所进行的民族音乐学“实地考察”活动的背景、理论、方法、成果、经验、问题等逐一追述、分析、解读、审视,力图初步清理出中国民族音乐学学科建设的脉络,并为它在新世纪的巩固和推进提供某些可资参照的思路。 本论文力图将这段民族音乐学实地考察的历史,置于中国近现代历史变革的背景中,进而认识中国民族新音乐的建设与现代民族国家进程的关系,以及其与民间社会的关系。 笔者认为,20世纪前半叶延安音乐家群体对陕北民间音乐的发掘整理,1950年代以来对一系列传统音乐瑰宝的深入考察,对于本学科的成长具有奠基性意义,而早期歌谣学界、社会人类学界、外国学者等拓荒者之所为,同样令后来者钦佩。 笔者毫不怀疑,20世纪的“实地考察”,已成为建立民族音乐学的一个牢固的基石。

During 20th century, the extensive and standing contact and communication were done between the Eastern and Western cultures in China, some of Chinese musicians applied themselves to music production, and others completely flung into collection, record, coordination and study on the abundant treasures of the Chinese traditional music. The activities as above succeed not only suitably to the collection of folk songs, i.e. "Caifeng" for about three thousands years, but also are deeply affected continuously by new cultural tideway and some other "new theories" in the 20th century. Therefore such activities hereinafter are referred as ethnomusicological field works. This article targets to the field works from 1900 to 1966 by means of the combination of the chronicle method with analysis of individual cases for study. The article is divided into two parts along with seven chapters wherein the background, theory, methods achievements, experience as well as questionnaires of the ethnomusicological field works that are surveyed, analyzed and studied based on records by non-musicians, foreigners and Chinese musicians before 1949, and by Chinese musicians in Mainland China from 1949 to 1966 in order to try hard to primarily clear up the pulse of subject construction of the Chinese ethnomusicology. The idea to be referred for the stability and deve lopment of the Chinese ethnomusicology is provided herein. The object of this article is to show that the experience of the ethnomusicological field works are included in background of change in modern Chinese history and to know the relation of construction of the Chinese ethnomusicology to the development of modern China as we as the relation of the same to the folk society. It is seriously considered that folk music in the Northwest of Shangxi excavated and settled by musicians of Yan 'an in the first half of 20th century and a series of investigation or field works on the traditional music are significant foundation for the growth of the Chinese ethnomusicology. But exploiter and foreign scholars in the fields of ballad, social ethnology in the earlier time should be respected sincerely. It is no doubt that the field works in 20 century have been set up a very stable foundation for the ethnomusicology in China.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 中国大陆; 20世纪; 民族音乐学; 实地考察; 采风 Mainland China; 20th century; ethnomusicology; fieldwork; Caifeng

【发表年期】2004年04期 【网络出版投稿人】福建师范大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2004.095058
作者: 英古阿格    时间: 2008-12-4 15:22


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