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The Literature and Literature Active in the Spring and Autumn Period  

【作者】黄鸣 【导师】蒋凡


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 《左传》是中国先秦时代最重要的典籍之一。它是春秋时代的百科全书,也是我们探索春秋时代文学演进状况的基本文献。本论文在前人与时贤论述的基础上,力求通过对《左传》的研究,来探讨春秋时代文学与文学活动的基本面貌。 本论文首先讨论了春秋时代文学与文学活动形成的几个基本要素。从语言上看,先秦汉语经过了从甲骨文、金文到《尚书》、《诗经》的语言演变,已经能够胜任文学语言的功能。从创作者来看,虽然王公贵族还是作家的主体,但是下层士人和民间的歌手也以他们的创作成绩而成为重要的文学作者群体。从文学理性和文学情感来看,历史理性在春秋时代有强化的趋势,而世俗的情感也在春秋时人的情感世界中起着重要作用,关于这两点,本论文分别用对史官演变的历史考察与对春秋时期青铜器铭文的研究来加以论证。 在这之后,本论文对春秋时代的文学与文学活动进行了分期。春秋十二公,每四公一期,可分为三期。即沉潜期、发展期和繁荣期。本文依次讨论了每期的政治与时代背景、文学的代表性人物以及体现在赋诗与辞令中的文学活动的面貌,以及各期的基本特征。 本论文最后进行的是对春秋时代的文学与文学活动进行分域研究的工作。按照地理、风俗、历史渊源、文学特征等标准,春秋时代的文学可分为三大流派:齐鲁派、晋郑派、秦楚派。本文分别研究了各派文学与文学活动的性质与特点。 由此,从产生到发展,从时间到空间,本论文完成了对春秋时代文学与文学活动基本面貌的描写。  

Tso chuan 左傳 is the one of the most important classical text in the Pre-Qin Period of China. It is a cyclopaedia of the Spring and Autumn Period, also the basic material which used by us to probe into the literature evolvement status of the Spring and Autumn Period. Based on studies made by previous and contemporary scholars and using the method of expounding, the thesis strive to discuss the basic visage of the literature and literature active in the Spring and Autumn Period. Firstly, the thesis had discussed a lot of basic essentials on the formative of the literature and literature active in the Spring and Autumn Period. From the aspect of language essential, Chinese had been competent for the function of literature language after the evolvement from Oracle-Bone Inscription to Bronze Inscription, from Shang shu 沿书 to Shi jing 诗经. From the aspect of originator essential, although the maharajas and aristocrats were still the principal part of the writers, the underlayer bachelors and the folk singers had become the important writer colony. From the as(?)ect of the literature sense and sensibility essential, the history sense had been strengthened in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the temporal sensibility had been even important in the minds of peoples of that period. As to the last essential, the thesis demonstrated separately by the review on the histoy officer's evolutive and the study on the Brozen Inscription of the Spring and Autumn Period. After that, the thesis had divided the literature and literature active in the Spring and Autumn Period by stages. The twelve Dukes of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period could be divided into three stages by four Dukes per stage. There are latency stage, develop stage and prosper stage. The thesis had discussed each stage's political and era background, the representative literature personality, and the visage of literature active which incarnated in reciting poems, and the basic character of each stage. Finally, the thesis had divided the the literature and literature active in the Spring and Autumn Period by clime. According the standard such as geography, custom, history origin and literature character, the literature in the Spring and Autumn Period could be compartmentalize into three genre: Qi 齐 and Lu 鲁 style, Jin 晋 and Zheng 郑 style, Qin 秦 and Chu 楚 style. The thesis had study the each style's character and specialty. From the origin to the development, the time to the space, the thesis had depicted the basic visage of the literature and literature active in the Spring and Autumn Period.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 春秋时代; 文学; 文学活动; 分期; 流派 the Spring and Autumn Period; literature; literature active; by stages; genre

【发表年期】2007年02期 【网络出版投稿人】复旦大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.069279 攻读期成果