
民俗学导师---- 李向平

民俗学导师---- 李向平


Professor Li Xiangping: Ph.D. in history. Professor Li is the director of the Chinese Religion Society, and a vice-chairman of Shanghai Religion Society. He has been a visiting scholar at many other universities, including Yokohama City University, Taisho University, Osaka University, Boston University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Main Research Areas: religious sociology, contemporary religion and history of Chinese religion.

Main Works: Ancestral Gods, Kinship and Theocracy; Salvation and Jiu Xin—Research on Revival of Buddhism Thoughts in Modern China; Death and the Life Beyond; Wisdom and Compassion; Conflict of Cultural Legitimacy; Sociological Interpretation of Contemporary Chinese Religion; Belief, Revolution and Power Order—Chinese Religious Sociology Studies; Buddhist Faith and Social Change; Faith without Consensus — A Sociological Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Beliefs. Some one hundred papers on Contemporary Chinese Religion and Religious Sociology at home and abroad published in recent years. Belief, Revolution and Power Order—Chinese Religious Sociology Studies won the first prize in the Outstanding Achievement Awards of  the Ninth Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Conference, and the second prize in the Outstanding Achievement Awards for Scientific Research in Universities and Colleges of Ministry of Education in 2009 (Humanities and Social Sciences); Sociological interpretation of Contemporary Chinese Religion won the second prize in the Outstanding Achievement Awards  in the seventh Shanghai Research and Propagandize Deng Xiaopeng Theory Conference.