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From Gezi Ballad to Gezi Opera

【作者】陈新凤 【导师】王耀华


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 歌仔戏是我国戏曲剧种中一个具有特殊意义的剧种。其特殊性主要表现在:首先,在全国三百多个剧种中,歌仔戏是唯一诞生于台湾的剧种;其次,由于台湾是一个典型的移民社会,移民的大部分来自闽南,因此,歌仔戏的音乐、剧目、表演等方面所展示的不仅有台湾的本土文化,还有大陆的源头文化,实质上它是连接两岸的文化纽带;再者,两岸近四十年的隔绝,使同一剧种在相异的政治、经济、文化环境中表现出衍生发展的不同样态,说明人文环境之于戏曲发展的重要性。所以,歌仔戏唱腔音乐的源流研究,显然在一定意义上已超越了一个地方戏曲剧种的研究而赋予它更具现实意义的内容。 全文共分七章。第一章对歌仔戏音乐的历史作一简要概括,为下文的歌仔戏唱腔音乐源流考察提供历史依据。第二章到第六章是论文的主体,考察了七字调、台湾杂念调、杂碎调、哭调及杂调唱腔音乐的演变发展过程及音乐特征。第七章从人文背景的角度探讨两岸歌仔戏唱腔音乐的形成和异流原因。 本文从多学科的视角分析歌仔戏唱腔音乐,以期更客观地认识、把握歌仔戏这一特殊戏曲剧种音乐的创腔规律。

Gezi Opera is special in our national field of opera. Its specific characteristics are as follows: First, Gezi Opera is the only opera that formed in Taiwan among more than 300 operas genres in China. Secondly, Taiwan is an immigrant society with the greater part of immigrants coming from the southern part of Fujian. Therefore, what the music, its titles, performances and the other aspects of Gezi Opera reveal is not only Taiwan local culture, but also mainland China's original culture. It is in fact the cultural link to connect both banks of the Taiwan Strait; moreover, nearly 40 years of isolation caused the same kind of opera to develop into different forms under different politics, economies, and cultural circumstances. It shows that the humanism environment plays an important role in the development of opera .As a result, the study of the original source of the music for voices in Gezi Opera has surpassed the study itself of one local opera and it has become more significant in this fields. The full text is composed of 7 chapters. Chapter t makes a brief summarization of the history of the Gezi Opera's music. Chapter 2 to 6 is the main body of the thesis, which studies the evolutionary process and the features of the music for voice in Qizi Diao \ Taiwan's Zanian Diao\ Zasui Diao\ Ku Diao and Za Diao. In view of humanism environment Chapter 7 probes into the reasons why the Gezi Opera becomes a different school of music on the two banks of the Taiwan Strait. The thesis analyzes the music of Gezi Opera using the multi-subjects viewing angle, and aims to understand and grasp the law of Gezi Opera's music more objectively.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 歌仔; 歌仔戏; 演变过程; 人文背景 Gezi Ballad; Gezi Opera; evolutionary process; humanism background

【发表年期】2003年02期 【网络出版投稿人】福建师范大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2003.063447