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【作者】李莘 【导师】乔建中; 张振涛


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 本课题的研究范围集中在河北省霸州市胜芳镇——一个位于京畿文化圈辐射范围之内的冀中地区中等规模农村社区,研究重点建立在对其中的民间会社组织从历史、政治、经济、文化等方面进行的综合田野考察实践上,以镇内由类别各异的会社联结而成的基层农村社区文化共同体——“花会”作为基本考察对象,并着重描述和分析胜芳镇花会中六个传统乐社的音乐活动和生存状态,将这种以血缘和地缘为纽带,在相对狭小的地域范围内集中并均匀分布、有着共同地域神崇拜的民间会社组织作为研究分析的核心内容。 论文的写作建立在较为严格的田野工作基础之上,通过历史及具体现状考察,客观描述和分析会社内部会众特定的音乐文化生活及其相关事务、音乐文化传承、会社制度和组织结构,以及从中反映出的民间艺人对文化传统的认知、地域性文化在遭遇乡村城镇化社会转型过程中难以回避的矛盾和冲击时的反应、民间原生会社组织在延续变迁过程中的种种状态等,力求客观细致地描述华北普通乡镇的民间音乐组织与民间音乐文化生活的完整活态图景,并从民族音乐学、民俗学、社会学、人类学等多学科角度对这些文化事象加以归纳和阐释。 本课题的论述基本上建立在“总述→微观分述→总述”的结构框架上,...更多从宏观到具体再到宏观,叙议兼顾,夹叙夹议。论文第一章以综述的形式铺陈胜芳镇的自然、历史、社会及宗教人文背景,以便为引入第二章“胜芳花会会社”的整体论述作好理论铺垫;第二章基本上是从民间组织和民间力量的联合体角度,对胜芳花会会社及其摆会活动进行从宏观到具体的阐述;第三章的论述更加微观具体,直接深入到个体会社的内部,以六个抽样调查的乐社个案分述不同乐社的特征及生存状态,兼顾音乐学和民俗学两种视角对各个研究主体进行深层理论挖掘和探究;第四章则是对前两章部分问题的归纳总结,从社会、经济以及国家权力角度阐释会社衰微的具体原因。为了能够将研究者的论述与对研究对象的现场记录及口碑记录明确区分开,以免混淆主客观描述和判断,故而在文中试验性地引入了民俗学的“双窗口阐释法”,同时也是希望通过“双窗口阐释法”的运用,在研究乡土民俗文化的同时,反观、反思笔者自身的学术立场和研究得失。

The subject of the dissertation is focused on the folk musical associations in Shengfang Town, Bazhou City, Hebei Province, which are located in the middle-sized countryside communities of the central part of Hebei Province and included in the cultural circle of Beijing area. The basic research objects are the grass roots countryside cultural communities connected in different kinds and with different scales. Through synthesized field work of the folk musical associations in the perspectives of history, politics, economics and culture, the dissertation emphasizes on the description and analysis of the musical activities and existing state of the six traditional musical associations. The core content of the research and analysis is about these folk communities distributing evenly over the relatively small regions, which have beliefs in common local gods and are linked with each other through consanguinity and geo-ethnic connections.Based on the strict field work and specific research of the past and present, the dissertation impersonally describes and analyses the specific cultural lives of the members in the associations, their interrelated affairs, the inheriting of musical culture, and the systems and framework of the communities. Through the objective analysis of the folk artists' apprehension of traditional culture, the reflections of the unitary regional culture inevitably suffering conflicts and impacts during the process of the urbanization of countryside, and the descriptions of various existing forms of the original folk musical associations during the process interwoven with continuity and variation, the dissertation strives to present the complete and vivid panorama of the framework and the cultural lives of folk musical associations in ordinary towns of North China, and make interpretations and draw conclusions in the perspectives of ethnomusicology, sociology, anthropology, and folklore.The dissertation is based on the structure of "summarizing-analyzing-summarizing". Beginning with an introduction, chapter one expatiates Shengfang Town's natural, historical, social, and religious backgrounds with the purpose of foreshadowing chapter two theoretically. Chapter two expounds the activities of Shengfang Musical Association in the perspective of the combination of local organizations and power. The discourse of chapter three is more specific. It penetrates into the individual association, and makes case studies of the six musical associations with spot check. It discusses different characteristics and existing states of the associations respectively, and explores each research subject theoretically in the perspectives of musicology and socio-folklore. Chapter four makes a summary of the previous two chapters, and explains the reasons for the decline of the musical associations in the aspects of society, economics and political power. The epilogue mainly expresses further reflections about the subject and the feelings of the research.

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 乐社; 民族音乐学; 民俗学; 社会学 musical associations ; ethnomusicology ; folklore ; sociology

【发表年期】2005年06期 【网络出版投稿人】中国艺术研究院 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2005.088473