




【作者】袁红涛 【导师】朱文华


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 宗族叙事的发展变化,是新文学尤其是当代文学中非常瞩目的现象,但是尚未得到足够重视和细致分析,其所包含的文学史信息尚未被充分发掘。本文意在探讨新文学中宗族题材相关小说整体上升沉起伏的变化历程,坚持从具体作品出发,关注相关小说之间互文性质,以对作品进行细读的方法分析不同时期的小说何以这样呈现宗族场景和生活,这一题材本身又是如何消失与复现的,从宗族叙事的演进中深入认识新文学发展的动因。 在近现代社会转型的历史时期,在文学领域最早对于中国宗法制传统社会做了高度准确而深刻的揭示的是鲁迅。师承鲁迅的一代年青的乡土小说作家们对于乡土生活的呈现,内在地包含着现代“民俗学”的视野,由此在叙述械斗等场景中凸现出宗族“野蛮”、“原始”的性质,建构了一个愚昧、落后的“旧中国”形象,为新的文学观念在新/旧对立的框架内展开提供了可能。而由宗族的生活和历史来显现“时代与社会”的趋势,揭示社会发展的“规律”是三十年代小说创作中一个值得关注的取向。自现代社会转型以来,尤其是战争时期,封闭、偏远的古老村落切切实实感触到了“国家”的存在和影响,宗族村落内显示出阶级生成的迹象。 土地改革是一个伟大的事件,叙述这一事件也是一项重大的使命,它不但具有“记录”“历史”的性质,本身也参与了对于“历史”的建构:在文本世界里阶级话语颠覆了宗法秩序,证明和确立了阶级性才是宗法制乡村社会的“本质”关系,建基于宗法秩序上的旧社会就此被打倒,新的国家即将诞生。从这一视角来分析宗族叙事,《太阳照在桑干河上》与《暴风骤雨》具有转折和定型的意义,《桑干河上》以对乡村社会宗法背景的揭示沉淀了小说的文学价值,《暴风骤雨》以对乡村宗法性的全面遮蔽显示了阶级叙事的进展。从现代国家与乡村传统宗法秩序的冲突与改造关系的角度,才能更全面、深入理解《桑干河上》所包含的社会历史内容,比如钱文贵之所以被发掘出来并被打倒,不仅仅因为他欺凌乡邻的具体罪行,而是由于他这种威势的基础和性质与现代政权根本冲突。小说中漫长的“诉苦”过程总让读者不能完全理解,然而“诉苦”不仅是动员群众打倒地主的必要手段,也是分化乡村宗法秩序、输入阶级话语从而在村庄农民中建立现代“国家”观念的中介机制。在《桑干河上》中宗族村落的生活气息、宗法社会秩序作为要被颠覆的对象而呈现;而《暴风骤雨》则以阶级分析的眼光全面覆盖了乡村社会宗法性的一面;《桑干河上》详尽展示了……  

The progress and changes of the clan narration are an important phenomenon, especially for Contemporary Literature. But it has been ignored accidentally , its literature history message has not been fully explored yet. The research of the narrations about lineage in Chinese modern literature in this thesis is established in the five-dimensional space-time of Chinese literary history ,to explain the relations between its changes and modern ideologies ,reveals its particular function and status in the evolutional mechanism of Chinese literature .During the cultural transformation, the criticism of the system and ethics of lineages become the main discourse of the modern society. Reconsidering the construction of the theme ,we find that the motive power to criticize clansman was not only from the "individual "' s assertion but also from the imagination of modern nation-state. The criticism of patriarchal clan and the assertion of nation-state and individual were established in the framework of "Tradition /Modern ". In the course there were contradictions and ideologies .In the field of literature , Lu Xun opened out the legal system traditional society early most. Facing with native soil life, writers mostly narrated it from the modern "folklore" vision. It dimples the "barbarous" nature of lineage ,building the backward images of "old China", launch and offer for new literature idea possible in new / old frame .In 1930s, writers pay close attention to the declines of lineage even more. In the war time it showed the sign that classes was appearing in the clan village. Land reform is a great incident, it is great too to narrate this incident, for writing down the "history " is also constructing "history": Class' words have subverted the patriarchal clan system order. Analyzing from the progress of clan narration, "the Sun Shining on Sang-gan River" and "Violent Storm" have particular function and status , meaning the transformation of the narrative model . Since 1980s, lineages had got more and more abundant representing. The ideology color of lineage question was desalinizing gradually. On the other hand, more of its nature as society and culture problem were disclosed .Have represented the course of assaulting lineage of outside strength. Regarding the clan...

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 新文学; 宗族; 民族国家; 民俗; 阶级; 话语; 叙事; 演进 modern literature; clanship; national-state; folklore; class; discourse; narration; revolution

【发表年期】2005年07期 【网络出版投稿人】复旦大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2005.120824