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Lu Xun's Writing and the Folk Culture  

【作者】王元忠 【导师】常文昌; 赵学勇


【中文摘要】 因为研究环境的潜在规范,当代中国大陆的鲁迅研究大体上经历了这样三个阶段:先是建国之后到20世纪八十年代之前的政治化研究,然后是八十年代直至九十年代初期的思想性研究,然后就是九十年代以来的开放多元的文化研究。鲁迅与民俗文化的关系研究即此文化研究的一个具体区域。客观地讲,对于鲁迅的写作与民俗文化关系的考察,一俟鲁迅的作品问世事实上就已经出现,但是,由于论者大多志不在此,加之大多研究者缺乏必要的文艺民俗学理论修养,所以,此前的研究,虽然于思维的许多点面上,也给人提供了这样那样的启示,但是总体看来,却因为其议论的感性、表面和零碎,故而并未给人留下深刻的印象。这种不足是一种遗憾,但也是一个机会,它清楚地表明了在学术层面再次言说鲁迅的可能性。有感于此,本论文的写作即以“鲁迅的写作和民俗文化”为题,力求通过具体的文本分析和扎实的理论论证,运用自己所掌握的文艺民俗学知识和方法,在写作一途,较为系统地对于鲁迅与民俗文化的关系进行一次可能的阐释或说明,籍此补充完善此前已有研究之不足。根据话题框架建构的整体要求和个人思维实际所达到的区域,本论文的写作共包括了六章正文外加“导论”和“结论”八个部分的内容,其中导论主要论述鲁迅的写作与民俗文化话题建立的学术可能性,在对鲁迅写作实际的表现和他人研究的现状的描述中,突出了一般研究者在民俗文化理念接受上的滞后性和鲁迅民俗文化的复杂表现客观上对于问题所可能形成的遮蔽,并在此基础上揭示了话题建构的学术价值。第一章名为“鲁迅写作的民俗兴趣发生”,主要针对“鲁迅在写作层面为什么会对民俗文化发生兴趣”这一问题,从个人经验的诱发、时代氛围的熏染和写作目的的内在规范三个方面,具体论述了民俗文化之所以对鲁迅的写作发生影响的原因。第二章名为“鲁迅的民俗观”,围绕“鲁迅是如何看待民俗文化的”这一中心问题,梳理并分析了鲁迅对于民俗文化的理解、认知和思考,在具体观点和感性写作的相互参照之中,揭示了在貌似零散、破碎和非专业的表述中,鲁迅的思考所体现出的难能可贵的当下性和可分性态度。第三章名为“民俗文化对于鲁迅写作理论的影响”,关注的问题主要是“民俗文化到底在哪些地方启发或者影响了鲁迅对于写作的思考?”在对不同影响的梳理之中,清理并总结了鲁迅于写作一途对于民俗文化的思考,强调了时代语境和作者主体的写作动机对于影响形成所具有的特殊功用。第四章名为“民俗文化在鲁迅写作中的存在形态及表现特征”,主要论述的问题是:民俗文化在鲁迅的作品中是如何存在的?论述分为存在形态的描摹和表现特征的总结两部分内容,意在借此说明民俗文化在鲁迅的写作之中,不仅是一种被动的现象存在,更是一种体现着主体写作意图的高度主观化的意义存在。第五章名为“鲁迅写作对于民俗文化的主体措置”,关注的问题是:在自己的写作实践活动中,鲁迅是怎样对待或处理具体的民俗文化材料的?通过仔细的文本阅读和与他人的比较,说明鲁迅的主体措置,既承载了其一贯鲜明的启蒙意图,也隐含着其高度的审美自觉。主体内部本就多样的写作追求,客观上使文本获得了表达上的复杂和厚重意味。第六章名为“鲁迅民俗文化表现的写作意义”,主要思考的问题是:鲁迅对于民俗文化的表现对于他的写作到底施予了怎样的影响?由民俗而至民众精神而至国民灵魂的认知模式形成;貌似无事的悲剧形式的发现和运用;多种艺术手法和写作技巧的借鉴;写作的地方色彩和民族特性的显现,民俗文化表现所致的多种写作意义的产生,客观上表明了民族作家以“个”的声音参与世界文学现代性对话的可能性。结论又名“鲁迅写作的民俗表现对于后来中国作家写作的影响”,主要论述鲁迅写作的民俗文化表现在中国现当代文学发展历史中所产生的现实效应。在对不同作家写作于鲁迅的继承和变异线路的梳理之中,不仅说明鲁迅的民俗文化取向对于中国现当代文学发展的重要性,而且也揭示鲁迅作为一个具有广阔世界视野和鲜明民族个性双重身份的现代作家,他写作的复杂和深刻对于后来者具  

【英文摘要】 The contemporary Lu Xun studies in Chinese mainland, in the light of the potential norms of research environment, experienced roughly the following three stages: the political study from the 1950s to the 1980s; the ideological study from the 1980s to the early 1990s; and the cultural study since the 1990s characterized by openness and pluralism, a specific field of which the study of relationship between Lu Xun and the folk culture is.Objectively, once Lu Xun's works came into publication, the investigations into the relationship between his writing and the folk culture appeared. However, generally speaking, such investigations were not impressive because of their perceptualism, superficialism and unsystematicism with the fact that they were not the then researchers' primary intentions, and that most researchers were not familiar with literary and artistic folklore theories, though they offered some sort of perspectives.This is more an opportunity than a pity, for it clearly shows the possibility of studying Lu Xun again. Thus this dissertation, titled Lu Xun's Writing and the Folk Culture, employing literary and artistic folklore knowledge and the relevant methodologies, attempts to systematically interpret or elaborate , in term of writing, upon the relationship between Lu Xun and the folk culture as an addition and supplementary of the previous studies through concrete textual analysis and rational theoretical demonstration.The dissertation, to meet the general requirement of the topics construction and personal capability, is divided into eight parts with "introduction" and "conclusion" included.The Introduction mainly expounds the academic possibility of establishing the topic of Lu Xun's Writing and the Folk culture. In the descriptions of Lu Xun's actual writing and the previous studies, the stagnancy of general researchers accepting folk cultural ideas and the obscurity that the complex demonstration of Lu Xun's folk culture possibly brought about upon the above issue stand out, based upon which the academic value of this establishment is revealed.The first chapter, Lu Xun's Developing Interest in Folklore in Writing, aimed at the topic "Why did Lu Xun become interested in folklore in term of writing?" discusses specifically the reasons why folklore culture launched influence upon Lu Xun's writing from the three perspectives: personal experience, historical atmosphere and the intrinsic norms of writing purposes.The second chapter, Lu Xun's Views on Folklore, analyzes Lu Xun's understanding and thinking of folk culture around "How does Lu Xun look at folk culture?", reveals the valuable instantaneousness, separability and their academic implications in the expressions that appeared unsystematic and unprofessional ,within mutual references of specific ideas and perceptual writings.The third chapter, Folk Cultural Impact upon Lu Xun's Writing Theories, focuses on the issue "Where on earth does the folk culture inspire or affect Lu Xun's thinking of writing?" With different impacts being analyzed, Lu Xun's thinking of folk culture in term of writing is sorted out and summarized, along the emphasis upon the special contribution which the historical context and the subjective writing motives made to the formation of influences.The fourth chapter, The Folk Cultural Existing Forms and Expressive Symptoms in Lu Xun's Writing, deals mainly with the topic "In what way does folk culture exist in Lu Xun's works?" It is made up of two parts: the description of existing forms and summarization of expressive symptoms. Such structure is intended to show that folk culture, in Lu Xun's writing, is not only a passive phenomenon, but also an embodiment of highly subjective implication of the subjective writing intention.The fifth chapter, Lu Xun's Subjective Arrangement of Folk Culture in Writing, is concerned with the issue "How did Lu Xun treat or deal with the specific folk cultural materials in his writing practice?" Based on the careful text reading and comparing with other people, the chapter shows that Lu Xun's subjective arrangement not only carries his consistent instructive intention, but also implies his high aesthetic consciousness. The multiple writing pursuits in the subject itself objectively make the texts complex and profound in expression.The sixth chapter, The Writing Implications of Lu Xun's Folk Cultural Demonstration, explores about the question "What kind of influences did Lu Xun's folk cultural demonstration exert upon his writing?" The formation of cognitive model from folklore to individual spirit and then to national spirit, the discovery and application of tragic forms , appropriation of different artistic means and writing techniques, the exposure of writings locality and national characteristics, the appearance of multiple writing meanings caused by folk cultural demonstration, all of these indicate the possibility of national writers participating in the conversation on the world literary modernity with a personal voice.The Conclusion, Impact of Lu Xun 's Folk Cultural Demonstration in Writing upon the Later Chinese Writers' Writing, talks about the actual effect that Lu Xun's folk cultural demonstration in writing has produced in the development of modern and contemporary Chinese literature. Analyzing different writers' inherence and adaptation of Lu Xun, it is intended not only to show the significance Lu Xun's folk cultural orientation possesses for the development of modern and contemporary Chinese literature, but also to  

【中文关键词】 鲁迅的写作; 民俗文化; 关系研究; 文艺民俗学

【英文关键词】 Lu Xun’s writing; fork cultural; the study of relationship; literary and artistic folklore

【网络出版年期】2008年12期 【网络出版投稿人】兰州大学 【网络出版投稿时间】2008-10-31 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2008.163158 攻读期成果