(The First International Youth Scholars Forum, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai Campus)
19th – 20th December, 2015, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China.
Organizer: Sun Yat-sen University
一、论坛背景 Background
中山大学1924 年由孙中山先生创建,历经90 余载薪火相传,形成了优良的学风和校风,具备了人文社科和理医工多学科的坚实基础,现已发展成为一所国内一流、国际知名的综合性研究型大学。
Founded in 1924 by Mr Sun Yat-sen, Sun Yat-sen University is an internationally renowned, top ranking research university located in the Pearl River Delta region of Southern China. The university provides a comprehensive multidisciplinary platform for research in the humanities, social sciences and biomedical engineering.
The Zhuhai campus, which has been one of the main campuses of Sun Yat-sen University since its foundation, is situated in the coastal city of Zhuhai, in a beautiful scenic area on mountains facing the sea. It affords a particularly pleasant environment for pursuing academic studies. Over the past 15 years, the campus has undergone significant development which has increased its importance within the structure of the university.
在中国新的发展战略驱动下,当前的珠海面临着港珠澳大桥、横琴自由贸易试验区、“ 海上丝绸之路”战略港口建设等重大机遇。在这样的大背景下,珠海市人民政府与中山大学决定共同全面提升珠海校区办学水平,在保持中山大学办学传统基础上,将珠海校区全面建设成为一座学科布局和人才培养体系相对完整,具有一流办学水平和广泛国际声誉的现代化滨海校区。
Driven by China’s new development strategies, Zhuhai is already benefiting from the opportunities afforded by the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the development of the Hengqin free trade experimental region and the establishment of the “Maritime Silk Road” initiative. Against the backdrop of these important developments, the Zhuhai Municipal People's Government and Sun Yat-sen University are cooperating to enhance the educational profile of the Zhuhai campus through constructing a comprehensive range of disciplines and extending its international reputation, while continuing to maintain the traditions of Sun Yat-sen University.
二、论坛简介 Brief Introduction
The First International Youth Scholars Forum at Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai Campus, will include special reports and colloquia within the academic fields of History, Philosophy, Chinese Language and Literature, Foreign Languages and Literature, International Relations, Law, International Finance and Economic Management, Tourism Management, Marine Science, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Information Sciences, Electronic Engineering, Biosciences, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Atmospheric Sciences, and Geology. The forum aims to bring together outstanding young scholars in the above fields from China and abroad in order to discuss up-to-date academic developments and new directions, topical research issues, and to promote academic exchange and cooperation.
三、申请条件 Application Conditions
(I) Applicants wishing to take part in the Forum should possess a PhD from a recognized university either within China or abroad, and have demonstrated achievements and show high level academic potential in one or more of the following fields: History, Philosophy, Chinese Language and Literature, Foreign Languages and Literature, International Relations, Law, International Finance and Economic Management, Tourism Management, Marine Science, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Information Sciences, Electronic Engineering, Biosciences, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Atmospheric Sciences, and Geology.
(II) Oversea young scholars are welcome to take part in the Forum.
四、申请方式 Application Procedures
rscrcgc@mail.sysu.edu.cn 。11月10日申请截止;11月15日前发出参会通知。
For further details of the conference and for application procedures, potential applicants should visit the Sun Yat-sen University (
www.sysu.edu.cn) homepage or download and complete the attached application form and send it to
rscrcgc@mail.sysu.edu.cn. The application deadline is 10th November, 2015. A notice of acceptance will be issued to participants by 15th November, 2015.
五、日程安排 Forum Schedule
12月18日全天 报到,报到地点珠海
12月19日上午 珠海论坛主题会议
12月19日下午 分论坛、参观珠海校区
12月20日全天 珠海市考察、人才洽谈
12月21日 参会人员离会
Friday, 18th December: Forum Registration (Zhuhai)
Saturday Morning, 19th December: Plenary presentations
Saturday Afternoon, 19th December: Parallel sessions followed by a visit to the Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus
Sunday, 20th December: Visit to Zhuhai City, Informal discussions
Monday, 21st December: Departure of the participants
六、差旅及住宿 Travel and Accommodation
Participants invited by the Forum Organizing Committee will receive a subsidy for travel and free meals and accommodation for the duration of conference.
七、联系方式 Contact Information
中山大学人事处 Personnel Department, Sun Yat-sen University
电话:+86-20-84114884 传真:+86-20-84111781
联系人:黎理 邮箱: