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【作者】李清宇 【导师】章培恒


【摘要 (中文/英文)】 作为中国文学古今演变研究中的个案,本文通过论述俞平伯文学思想、创作和中国古代文学的关系,以揭示俞平伯文学思想、创作在中国文学抒情传统及其现代转变中的意义。 论文前四章主要论述了个体摆脱礼教束缚,从“个人的发见”到自我认识的历程,以及这一历程在俞平伯文学思想与创作中的反映:俞平伯发表于1919年的小说《花匠》体现出龚自珍《病梅馆记》“解缚”思想的影响,这一影响勾勒出近现代以个体为本位的人性解放运动的轨迹。“解缚”思想在文学中的反映表现为对于个体情感的重视以及个体抒情态度的确立。同时,在俞平伯看来,“解缚”并不意味着无视文学形式,在注重修辞以及追求含蓄风格中,俞平伯表现出对于中国文学抒情传统的尊重以及自觉的承继。在自我意识方面,“解缚”思想促成了自我认识的展开,但是自我认识使个体倍感有“我”的悲哀与孤独。在用诗歌发抒“自我”无所归依的悲情之同时,俞平伯也在为自我和文学寻找着“归依”之处,这造成了其在文学思想上的短暂迷失——在1921至1922年间,俞平伯希望以文学为工具感人向善,又渴求诗歌回到歌谣,呼吁诗人去做“民间的诗”。 本论文后三章主要论述了俞平伯文学创作在文体和主题上与中国文学抒情传统的关系。这包括俞平伯新诗创作对于古典诗歌声律性的承继与拓展,抒情散文创作对于六朝骈文的承继与拓展,以及在“忆”与“梦”这两大中国文学抒情传统主题上的承继与拓展。

As a case study of evolution of Chinese literature from ancient to modern, this dissertation purports to expound the significance of Yu Pingbo's literature thought and writing in the lyric tradition of Chinese literature and the course of its modern transformation. Chapter 1 to Chapter 4 has discussed the process that from the individual liberation to self-cognition and the reflection of this process on Yu Pingbo's literature thought and writing. In 1919, Yu Pingbo issued his short story Hua jiang, in which revealed the influence of Gong Zizhen's article Bing mei guan ji. This influence outlined the inheritance of the thought of individual liberation. The individual liberation opened out the self-congition, and it made individual felt sad and pain, so it caused individual to find the meaning of himself, but which also made individual easily lost himself. All these situations had typical representation in Yu Pingbo' literature thought and writing. Chapter 5 has focused on the relationship between Yu Pingbo's writing and lyric tradition on the style. Chapter 6 and chapter 7 also have discussed the relationship between Yu Pingbo's writing and lyric tradition but on the theme of "memory" and "dream".

【关键词 (中文/英文)】 俞平伯; 中国文学古今演变; 中国文学抒情传统; 自我; 抒情 Yu Pingbo ; evolution of Chinese literature from ancient to modern ; lyric tradition of Chinese literature ; self ; lyric

【发表年期】2007年02期 【网络出版投稿人】复旦大学 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.069355 攻读期成果