


论  文  摘  要


本文共分六章。第一章通过梳理中外机智人物故事研究的历史,指出该研究领域目前已取得的成就和存在的不足,提出本文的研究方法及作者的主要观点。第二章从机智人物故事背后的社会图景入手,分析类型和非类型化的机智人物故事中所隐含或折射出的或清晰或模糊的信息,从而得出这种清晰和模糊对机智人物故事再生及流传的特殊意义。第三章将机智人物看作世俗秩序的 “颠覆者”,分别从文学现象、社会现象和文化现象来探讨机智人物故事中的阈限以及其和社会秩序的关系,剖析其盛行的社会心理基础。第四章从机智人物的社会特性出发,探讨其相互矛盾的特点,他们或贵或贱或善或恶时贤时愚,造成了扑朔迷离、难以言说的审美效果。笔者尝试在几对相互对立的关系中去找寻他们的位置,揣摩他们的身份。第五章则通过分析归类机智人物采用的机智手段,探讨中华民族尚智重文的传统对这类故事流行的影响。最后一章将机智人物故事放在一个宏大的文化话语结构中审视其机智手段的本质,指出机智人物不按常规,试图颠覆世俗秩序,但反过来更使人意识到秩序规矩的存在。论文从颠覆和顺从两个相反相成的关系出发分析了机智人物故事中的反叛规矩行为和顺从心理的意识形态本质。





Trickster Tales, usually ludicrous and humorous, refer to the constellation of tales about particular tricky figures. This type of tales is classified into H. Tests, J. The Wise & The Foolish and K. Deception in Stith Thompson’s Motif-Index of Folk-literature and Antti Aarne’s The Types of the Folktale. The analysis of this type of tales in China starts from the mid-1920’s, characterized by the studies of Xu Wenchang’s tales. The term “Trickster tales” ( The literal meaning in Chinese is the Wise Figures’ tales) is first used by Qi Lianxiu, a researcher in the China Social Sciences Academy. The 1980’s and the 1990’s witness the most active and productive researches and results in this field. The national academic symposium held in 1984 is regarded as the landmark. Qi Lianxiu’s Wise Tricks and Quick Wit----Analysis of Chinese Trickster Tales published in 2001 is viewed as the comprehensive summary of the analysis in this field. Since 2001, there have been few research papers and works. After a careful scrutiny of the research done until today, the author of the dissertation thinks that the multi-facetted overt and covert cultural implications behind the trickster tales are not fully discussed. Taking the tales as the true happenings, the previous researchers have made their social criticism from the angle of class struggle. They have emphasized only the positive aspects of the tricksters, and regarded the figures as heroes of the common folks.

The author, by taking different approaches of  cultural anthropology, post-historicism, post-structuralism and Bakhtin’s carnivalsque poetics, has made tentative efforts to have a broad revaluation of the tales. By exploring the playful and mischievous ruses, the humorous devices and the ambivalent characteristics manifested by the tricksters, the author intends to uncover the implicated social and cultural reasons that make the tales so widely transmitted, thus inviting the inspiration and consideration of the interactions between the solemnness of the conventional and cultural values and norms and the irrational and natural desire of human beings.   

In the six chapters of the dissertation, the first one is a historical survey of this field. The author, after exploring the achievements and problems, has explained the new analytic approaches and the main arguments about the tales. In the second chapter, the author, by analyzing the typed and untyped trickster tales, has explored the overt and covert implications manifested in such tales, and the author has further discussed the significance by educing the generation and transmission of such tales. In the third chapter, the author has made a literal-social-cultural analysis from the social psychology by scrutinizing the subversiveness portrayed from the tales. The author has focused the attention on the self-estimated ethical and paranormal nature in the tales in contrast to the social moral judgment. The author has argued that the paranormal displayed by the traits of tricksters has many of the attributers of liminality, which is incompatible with the established conventions and institutions. In the fourth chapter, the author, by comparing and contrasting the paradoxical misbehaviour and the heroic traits of the tricksters, has further discussed the aesthetical values of such tales. After discussing and classifying the tricks and tactics, the author in the fifth chapter has discussed the influences of traditional Chinese culture to the popularity of such tales. Tactics and strategies have long been cherished in China. And there have always been many language games pertaining to the amphibolous and ambiguous nature of the Chinese language. In the last chapter, by taking the tales to the broad social-cultural structures, the author has examined the nature of the abnormal and subversive property, and has argued the subversiveness, in contrast, has reinforced the social conventions and institutions. The author has focused on discussion of the psychological and ideological nature portrayed from paradoxically overt rebellious mischievousness and the covert submissiveness of the tales.

Tricksters are the primordial beings and the mixture of id, ego and superego. They are indispensable in the maintenance and transformation of the social order. There will not be changes without the tricksters. In contrast, the tricksters reinforce the social status quo. The analysis of the trickster tales inspires our examination of the balance between the man-made orders and institutions drawn from our rational thinking and the irrational and instinctive nature of human beings. By discussing and analyzing the trickster tales, the author has constantly held the attention on the interaction and strife between our rational being, which is demonstrated by the public  norms and irrational being by private and individual behaviors.        

KEY WORD: Trickster tale, trickster, subversiveness, submissiveness


目  录
第一章  引 论…………………………………………………… 1 页
第一节  机智人物故事的研究脉络与现状………………………1 页
第二节  本文的研究方法与本选题的研究意义…………………7 页
第三节  本文的主要观点与笔者的写作动机………………… 15 页

第二章  清晰与模糊——机智人物故事类型与社会属性………18页
引言  ………………………………………………………………18页
第一节  机智人物故事的类型研究………………………………21页
第二节  机智人物故事的确定性…………………………………23页
第三节  机智人物故事的模糊性…………………………………29页
第三章  理想的现实——机智人物故事盛行的社会心理………36页
第一节  苦难人生的节日…………………………………………39页
第二节  民间智慧的展演…………………………………………44页
第三节  市井小民的狂欢…………………………………………51页

第四章  贱民与超人——机智人物故事主角的社会特征………60页
第一节        或贵或贱皆弱势——机智人物的社会地位………… 61页
第二节   亦贤亦愚亦机智——机智人物的行为特征………… 64页
第三节   为善为恶尽自然——机智人物的品性特征………… 72页

第五章  生存与斗争——机智手段产生的社会机制……………79页
第一节   机智手段的分类归类………………………………… 80页
第二节   机智手段的发生机制………………………………… 89页

第六章  颠覆与顺从——机智人物故事的意识形态本质………98页
第一节  机智人物故事对世俗秩序的颠覆企图……………… 102页
第二节  机智人物故事对世俗秩序的顺从实质……………… 108页

结  语…………………………………………………………… 116页

2)机智人物人生世俗相……………………………… 130页
3)机智人物的社会身份……………………………  136页
附录二:机智人物故事选……………………………………… 142页
1)        徐文长的故事…………………………………  142页
2)        阿凡提的故事……………………………………154页
3)        其他机智人物故事………………………………158页

主要参考文献…………………………………………………… 164页
后记……………………………………………………………… 170页