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【作者】廖海波 【导师】陈勤建


【中文摘要】 灶神是中国民间信仰中颇具普遍性和典型性的神灵。灶神信仰和传说是民间世俗生活的产物,充分体现了中国民间文化的丰富和驳杂。作为一个民间俗神,灶神又是中国宗法社会民间意识的形象化体现,是探究中国人国民性和文化心理的一个媒介。 本文首先从灶神信仰的历史发展角度论述了灶神的来历。灶神的原型从古至今纷繁复杂、说法不一,其中有古籍记载,近、现代学者的考证和民间传说的演绎三方面来源。有灶神是火神炎帝、祝融,灶神是黄帝演变而来的说法,还有灶神叫张单、苏吉利,以及灶神是女性神的说法。还有学者从图腾信仰、古文字音韵学等方面考证出灶神原型是图腾动物蛙和灶间动物蟑螂的说法。民间还有许多人间凡人成为灶神的传说。灶神走出原始社会之后,在其历史发展中承载了许多世俗生活观念,从最初掌管饮食之神,逐渐发展为“司命”之神和“一家之主”,主宰一家人的寿夭祸福。这与道教的影响是分不开的,灶神还成为道教中的重要神灵,从他身上可以看出道教的一些思想。灶神的祭祀方式也随着历史的发展而演变。一些主要的祭灶习俗如黄羊祭灶、送灶上天、灶糖祭灶、接灶等,以及与祭灶相关的一些习俗如送穷、跳灶王、老鼠嫁女等都有相应的演变过程。小年祭灶的时间也是经过一定的历史时期才被固定为每年的腊月二十二(或二十四)的。灶神信仰及其传说有着主要形式形态的较为普同性的模式。这是文化交流和融合的结果。另外,无论汉族、少数民族都有着丰富的有关灶神的民间传说,灶神形象繁杂多样,祭灶习俗也是在普遍性上存在地域性和民族性的差异,充分反映了中华民族文化的多元性。 灶神信仰是民间世俗观念的产物,实际上,神灵完全是人心造的产物,是种种凡俗世相的投影。民间信仰完全是人们为了满足生存和发展的心理需要,而创造和传承的一种文化现象。所以透视灶神信仰的文化内涵,可以看出中国人的信仰观念。信仰习俗和民间传说除了显性的叙事层面,对它们的考查,还要深入到象征层面。灶有着家庭和祖先的象征意义,灶神被称作“一家之主”,是中国传统宗法社会的产物,一方面民间意识在官方文化和国家意识的压抑之下呈现出接受的状态。另一方面民间意识又呈现出对国家权力话语的消解和对立。这在灶神信仰和传说的研究中可以清楚地凸现出来。 人的文化性决定了原型作为一种集体无意识对作家的创作有着深刻的影响。灶神原型是文学作品在灶神信仰叙事和象征两个层面的守旧和翻新,它充分体现了民间文化在文学作品中的独特阐发。  

【英文摘要】 The Kitchen God is a deity of Chinese folk belief with its universality and representativeness. The belief and the legend of the Kitchen God are the outcomes of the common customs livings. She wholly reflects the exuberance and heterogeneousness of the Chinese folk culture. To be a folk common deity, The Kitchen God is also regarded as the visualizing embodiment of the folk ideological expression in Chinese patriarchal clan system, aslo one media of seeking the civil character and culture psychology of the Chinese people.First of all, this article dissertates the derivation of Kitchen God by focusing on the historical development of the Kitchen God Belief. From ancient to modern society, the archetype of the Kitchen God has numerous and complicated parlances. There are three kinds of resources: the ancient recordation, the neoteric scholastic textual research and the folklore. Some said that the Kitchen God evolved from the Fire God, The Yan Emperor or Zhu Rong, or from the Yellow Emperor; some said that it was called Zhang Dan, Su Jili, or it was a goddess. Besides these, some scholars said the archetype was a 'frog totem' or a Kitchen 'cockroach'. These textual researches focus on totem belief, ancient writing and phonology and other aspects. And there are still folklores, which tell stories about commons evolving to be the Kitchen God.From ancient society to modern society, the Kitchen God develops to implicate many common customs and living conceptions. At the very beginning, the Kitchen God was only in charge of bite and sup, later it became to be the God of 'fate' and a 'Home Dominator', who was in charge of the family members' short or long lives, disaster or fortune. It has close relation with the Taoism, and as a matter of fact, the Kitchen God is an important deity in the Taoism, from which we could understand some ideas of the Taoism. The sacrifice rite of the Kitchen God evolved along with the development of history. Many of them have their relevant evolving process, like 'the yellow goat sacrifice', 'sending the Kitchen God to Heaven', 'the Kitchen candy sacrifice' and 'meeting with the Kitchen God' etc, also including other relevant customs like 'sending off the poverty', ' beggar jumping for Kitchen God' and 'the marring of the mouse' daughters'. After a long period of time, every 23rd, or 24th of the first month of the lunar year, called 'Xiao Nian' was determined tobe the date for the sacrifice of the Kitchen God (the date when the Kitchen God return Heaven).The beliefs of the Kitchen God and its legends have the relative general mode of its major modality. That is the consequence of the culture communication and amalgamation. Besides, whatever the Han nationality or the minority maintains plenty of folklores that related to the Kitchen God.The Kitchen God has multifarious images; whereas the sacrifice rites keep the catholicity combining with the different nationality geographically that fully reflects the pluralism of the Chinese national cultures.The belief of the Kitchen God is the outcome of the evolvement of the common customs conceptions. In fact, the deities were generated from human hearts, becoming the projection of various common customs. The folk belief could be regarded as a culture phenomenon created and transmitted by human beings in order to meet their psychological needs for living and evolution. By detecting the cultural connotation of the belief of the Kitchen God, we could understand the different conception of the deity belief of the Chinese people.The research of folklores should be engaged in not only their narratives but also the symbolic meaning. The kitchen symbolizes home, so it can be regarded as the folk ideological expression of the Chinese traditional patriarchal clan system to call Kitchen God as Home Dominator. The folk consciousness showed submission under restraint from official culture and country consciousness, however; on the other hand, it also showed dispersal and opposi  

【网络出版年期】2003年03期 【网络出版投稿人】华东师范大学 【网络出版投稿时间】2003-09-11 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2003.094754 攻读期成果

