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Revolutionary Accounting, Native Narration and Regional Description  

【作者】孟绍勇 【导师】赵学勇


【中文摘要】 从地域文化角度研究20世纪中国文学,是近十余年来学术界颇为关注的一个课题。本论文着眼于西部独特的地理人文环境对西部小说的巨大影响,分别从当代西部小说的流变,西部小说在当代文学格局中的地位,西部小说的审美追求,西部小说与宗教、民俗文化的关系,西部小说与“新都市小说”的比较,“全球化”时代西部小说的选择与走向等方面展开论述,并力图揭示当代西部小说作为中国当代文学中的一部分,为当代文学思潮所呈现的重要的价值和意义。 第一章对“西部小说”作了必要的界定与规约,并对1949年以来西部小说所呈现出的“四代三时期”特征进行了详细的梳理。在此基础上,重点考察了西部小说在它发展的第一时期所走过的“从边缘到经典”的道路。论文也涉及到了西部小说在不同时期与不同作家那里所表现出的各自特点,同时从作家主体的思维、认知角度,对当代西部小说在进入新世纪以后的情况作了整体上的观照。 第二章分析了中国当代文学在1949年以后所呈现出的“西移”走势、20世纪末当代西部小说在文学格局中的地位。论文涉及到第一代西部小说家柳青等人意欲从知识分子型作家那里抢占“话语权”的努力、西部作家们“史诗性”追求的成功与缺失;同时也着眼于1980年代之后贾平凹、路遥、张承志、扎西达娃、雪漠、红柯等年轻的西部作家们的创作。在这一章中,有关文学与政治关系的考察,是我们无法绕开的一个话题;而对于1990年代当代西部小说的发展状况,同样是论文的重点。 第三章关注西部小说家们的审美追求。论文对于三代作家的审美追求作了详细的分析,不仅指出了他们之间存在的巨大差别,更旨在强调几代西部小说家在审美追求中的内在统一性和继承性。在这一章中,西部的地理人文环境成为我们反复提及的问题,而对于英雄的追求,对于西部阔大、苍凉、神秘的美学意义上的呈现,以及对于西部土地的深厚的情感,成为几代西部小说家创作中一致的追求。 第四章分析了宗教、民俗文化对于西部小说深层影响,分别从宗教文化和民俗文化的角度看西部小说的独特性。在这一章中,贾平凹、扎西达娃、张承志、马原、红柯等人的作品成为考察的重点,而藏传佛教与伊斯兰教在西部小说中的文化积淀,更成为我们进入具体西部小说时必要的文化储备。之外,对于各种民间仪式、民歌、方言的关注,也是本章的重点之一。 第五章是有关西部小说与“新都市小说”的横向比较。通过这样的比较,我们能够清楚地看到当代西部小说在文学“本土化”方面所呈现的价值和意义。

【英文摘要】 The study on Chinese literature in twentieth century from the perspective of regional culture has been the focus of the academia during the recent ten years. With a view of the great influence of the western particular geographical and humanistic environment to the Novel of West China, the thesis discusses the change of the Novel of West China, its status in the contemporary literature situation, its aesthetic pursuit, its relationship with the religion and folk-custom culture, its comparison with the "new city novel", its choice and trend in the age of globalization. Furthermore, it also explores the great value and significance of the Novel of West China, as one element of Chinese contemporary literature, to the contemporary literature thoughts.Chapter one makes an essential stipulation to the Novel of West China and clears up its characteristics of "four eras and three periods" since 1949. On this basis, this chapter emphasizes its path of "from the edge to the typical" during its first developmental period. This chapter also comes down to the Novel of West China's various characteristics for the different writers during the different periods. At the same time, it makes a whole view to the Novel of West China in the new century from the perspective of different writers' thoughts and cognition.Chapter two analyzes the trend of Chinese contemporary literature's shift to the West China since 1949 and the status of the Novel of West China in the contemporary literature situation. The thesis covers the intention of the first generation of writers of the Novel of West China to occupy the "power of saying" from the intellectual writers, the writers' successful or imperfect pursuit of "epic", as well as the younger writers' creation since 1980s, such as Jia Pingwa, Lu Yao, Zhang Chengzhi, Zhaxidawa, Xue Mo, Hongke. In this chapter, the review of the relationship between literature and politics is also an essential topic. The developmental situation of the contemporary Novel of West China in 1990s is also stressed in the present chapter.Chapter three focuses on the aesthetic pursuit of the writers of the Novel of West China. The thesis makes a detailed analysis to the aesthetic pursuit of the three generations' writers. It not only points out their differences, but also stresses on their inner unification and succession during the process of aesthetic pursuit. In this chapter, the western geographical and humanistic environment is the repeated topic. While the pursuit to the heroes, the presence of the aesthetic significance of the western vastness, desolation and mystery, and the deep sensibility to the western territory have been the consistent pursuit of the generations of writers of the Novel of West China.Chapter four analyzes religion and folk-custom culture's profound influence to the Novel of West China, viewing the peculiarity of the Novel of West China from the perspective of religion and folk-custom culture. In this chapter, the focus is on the works of Jia Pingwa, Zhaxidawa, Zhang Chengzhi, Ma Yuan and Hongke. The culture influence of the Buddhism from the Tibet and Islamism has been the essential cultural foundation for us to study the Novel of West China. What's more, the survey of the folk ceremonies, folk songs and dialects are also stressed in this chapter.Chapter five is about the comparison of the Novel of West China and "the new city novel". Through the comparison, we can clearly see the value and significance of the Novel of West China in the aspect of literature "localization". The section of the "the theme of city" in the Novel of West China has also been analyzed thoroughly in order to understand the trend of the Novel of West China and the fact of its basic characteristic of "countryside theme".Chapter six explores the topic of the choice and trend of the Novel of West China in the age of globalization, which is worth of our attention in reality. It is of great significance for the contemporary Novel of West China as well as the trend of Chinese contemporary literature in the new century. This chapter pinpoints the tragic spirit and misery consciousness of the Novel of West China, introspection spirit and exploitation consciousness of the writers of the Novel of West China. The thesis probes into the people's resilience attitude and active efforts to the future in West China

【中文关键词】 西部小说; 革命讲述; 乡土叙事; 地域书写; 西部精神

【英文关键词】 novel of West China; revolutionary accounting; native narration regional Description; western spirit

【网络出版年期】2006年09期 【网络出版投稿人】兰州大学 【网络出版投稿时间】2006-07-27 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2006.088445 攻读期成果