
Celebrations,healing techniques,crafts and culinary arts added to RL of ICH

Celebrations,healing techniques,crafts and culinary arts added to RL of ICH

Celebrations, healing techniques, crafts and culinary arts added to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

© M.Rahimov/Ministry of Culture and Tourism - The traditional art of Azerbaijani carpet weaving in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, meeting in Nairobi from 15 to 19 November and chaired by Jacob Ole Miaron (Kenya), today inscribed 13 new elements on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Committee is examining a total of 47 nominees.
      See complete descriptions of the new elements.
The new elements, in order of inscription, are:

Azerbaijan - The traditional art of Azerbaijani carpet weaving in the Republic of Azerbaijan - Azerbaijani carpet weaving is a traditional handmade textile of various sizes, knotted or woven. Its texture is dense and its patterns are characteristic of Azerbaijan’s many carpet-making regions. Carpet making is a family tradition transferred orally and through practice.

Belgium - Aalst carnival - When the three-day Aalst Carnaval begins each year on the Sunday before the Christian Lent, it is the culmination of a year of preparation by the inhabitants of this city in East Flanders in northern Belgium (…) The 600-year-old ritual, drawing up to 100,000 spectators, is a collective effort of all social classes and a symbol of the town’s identity in the region.
Belgium - Houtem Jaarmarkt, annual winter fair and livestock market at Sint-Lievens-Houtem - Houtem Jaarmarkt is an annual trading fair taking place in the village of Sint-Lievens-Houtem in the south-eastern Belgian province of East Flanders. Every year, on 11 and 12 November, the village becomes the site of the country’s last substantial open-air market for trading cattle and purebred horses.

Belgium - Krakelingen and Tonnekensbrand, end-of-winter bread and fire feast at Geraardsbergen - The city of Geraardsbergen holds its annual market on the first Monday in March and celebrates the end of winter on Sunday eight days earlier, with the festival of Krakelingen and Tonnekensbrand (…) The festive ritual yields a strong sense of continuity and historical awareness for its participants, evoking historical events and legends passed on from generation to generation.

China - Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine - Acupuncture and moxibustion are forms of traditional Chinese medicine widely practised in China and also found in regions of south-east Asia, Europe and the Americas. The theories of acupuncture and moxibustion hold that the human body acts as a small universe connected by channels, and that by physically stimulating these channels the practitioner can promote the human body’s self-regulating functions and bring health to the patient.

China - Peking opera - Peking opera is a performance art incorporating singing, reciting, acting, martial arts. Although widely practised throughout China, its performance centres on Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai. Peking opera is sung and recited using primarily Beijing dialect, and its librettos are composed according to a strict set of rules that prize form and rhyme. They tell stories of history, politics, society and daily life and aspire to inform as they entertain.

Colombia - Marimba music and traditional chants from Colombia’s South Pacific - Marimba music and traditional chants of Colombia’s South Pacific region are the heritage of Afro-Colombian groups in the departments of Valle del Cauca, Cauca and Nariño. Chanting by women and men (cantadoras and chureadores) blends with acoustic instruments, handcrafted using local materials: palm-wood Marimbas, wooden and leather bass and hand drums, and bamboo and seed rattles. This music is performed principally during four rituals: Arrullo, Currulao, Chigualo and Alabao.

Colombia -The Wayuu normative system, applied by the Pütchipü’üi (palabrero) - The Wayuu community inhabits the Guajira Peninsula straddling Colombia and Venezuela. Its legislative system comprises a body of principles, procedures and rites that govern the social and spiritual conduct of the community. The system, inspired by principles of reparation and compensation, is applied by the local moral authorities, the Pütchipü’üi or palabreros (orators), who are experts in resolving conflicts and disputes between the local matrilineal clans.

Croatia - Gingerbread craft from Northern Croatia - The tradition of gingerbread making appeared in certain European monasteries during the Middle Ages and came to Croatia where it became a craft. Gingerbread craftspeople, who also made honey and candles, worked in the area of Northern Croatia. The process of making gingerbread requires skill and speed. The recipe is the same for all makers, utilizing flour, sugar, water and baking soda – plus the obligatory spices.

Czech Republic - Shrovetide door-to-door processions and masks in the villages of the Hlinecko area  - The Shrovetide processions take place in the town of Hlinsko and six nearby villages in the Hlinecko area of Eastern Bohemia in the Czech Republic. This popular carnival custom takes place at the end of winter, during Shrovetide – the period just before the Christian Lent. Village men and boys, disguised in masks that depict traditional characters (red masks for boys and black for married men), go from door to door around the village, accompanied by a brass band.

France - Compagnonnage, network for on-the-job transmission of knowledge and identities - The French Compagnonnage system is a unique way of conveying knowledge and know-how linked to the trades that work with stone, wood, metal, leather, textiles and food. Its originality lies in its synthesis of varied methods and processes of transmitting knowledge: national and international educational travel (known as the ‘Tour de France’ period), initiation rituals, school-based teaching, customary learning and technical apprenticeship.

France - The craftsmanship of Alençon needle lace-making - The technique of point d’Alençon is a rare technique of needle lace-making, practised in the town of Alençon in Normandy in north-west France. Alençon needle lace is unusual because of the high level of craftsmanship required and the very long time that it takes to produce (seven hours per square centimetre). The pieces of openwork textile using the technique are used for decorative purposes in civil and religious life.

France - The gastronomic meal of the French - The gastronomic meal of the French is a customary social practice for celebrating important moments in the lives of individuals and groups, such as births, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, achievements and reunions. It is a festive meal bringing people together for an occasion to enjoy the art of good eating and drinking. The gastronomic meal emphasizes togetherness, the pleasure of taste, and the balance between human beings and the products of nature.

    In order to be inscribed, the elements must comply with a series of criteria, including contributing to spreading the knowledge of intangible cultural heritage and promoting awareness of its importance. Nominees for the inscription must also justify protective measures taken to ensure their viability.
    The Committee is continuing its examination of the 47 nominations until the end of the day (16 November).

For more information


Video interview with Cécile Duvelle (UNESCO)

[url=en/media-services/multimedia/news-videos/b-roll/urgent-safeguarding-list/] Download videos of elements inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding list[/url]

[url=en/media-services/multimedia/news-videos/b-roll/representative-list/]Download videos of elements inscribed on Representative List[/url]

Press contacts, UNESCO Division of Public Information:

Lucía Iglesias Kuntz

+ 33(0)6 07 84 26 76 /   l.iglesias(at)unesco.org;

Isabelle Le Fournis

+ 33(0)6 12 19 74 01 /  i.le-fournis(at)unesco.org


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阿塞拜疆的传统地毯编织艺术 - 版权 © M.Rahimov/阿塞拜疆文化部


内罗毕11月16日 - 教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会,今天决定将13项非物质文化遗产列入《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。于11月15日至19日间在肯尼亚首都内罗毕举行的此次会议,由肯尼亚国家遗产与文化国务部常务秘书雅各布•米亚龙(Jacob Ole Miaron)担任主席,将对47项申报列入《非物质遗产代表作名录》的项目进行审议。


阿塞拜疆 -  阿塞拜疆共和国的传统地毯编织艺术 - 阿塞拜疆地毯是一种传统手工纺织品,尺寸各异,质地厚密,分为绒毛地毯和无绒毛地毯,图案具有许多阿塞拜疆地毯产区自身的特色。地毯编织是一项传统的家庭技艺,通过口头及实际操作代代相传。

比利时 - 阿尔斯特(Aalst)的狂欢节 - 每年,当为期三天的狂欢节在基督教大斋期前的星期日正式拉开帷幕,比利时北部东佛兰德省阿尔斯特市市民一年的精心准备,终于走向高潮。阿尔斯特狂欢节已有600多年历史,每年吸引的观众达到10万人。狂欢节是阿尔斯特市社会各阶层集体努力的结晶,也是该市在这一地区的身份象征。

比利时 - 豪特姆年市,圣利芬斯-豪特姆年度冬季集市及牲畜市场 - 豪特姆年市(Houtem Jaarmarkt)是在比利时东南部东佛兰德省圣利芬斯-豪特姆(Sint - Lievens – Houtem)举办的一年一度的交易集市。每年11月11至12日,这座村庄就成为比利时交易牛和纯种马的最后一个重要的露天市场。

比利时 - 格拉兹伯根冬末火与面包节-克拉克林根与格拉兹伯根 - 赫拉尔德斯贝尔亨 (Geraardsbergen)市在每年三月的第一个星期一举办年市,以庆祝冬季在8天前的星期天结束,克拉克林根面包圈(Krakelingen)与火桶(Tonnekensbrand)节也在这时举行。节日仪式为参与者带来延续感以及历史感,并让人们再次重温那些代代相传的历史故事与传说。

中国 - 中医针灸 - 针灸是传统中医的一种医疗手段,除在中国得到广泛应用之外,在东南亚、欧洲和美洲地区也有实践。针灸理论认为,人体如同一个由各种经络连接起来运行的小宇宙,通过物理刺激经络,就有可能促进人体的自我调节功能并为病人带来健康。

中国 -京剧 -京剧是一种融合了唱、念、做、打的表演艺术。在中国各地都有广泛的表演,但北京、天津和上海仍是主要的演出中心。京剧的唱、念主要使用北京方言,剧本则遵循一系列注重形式和韵律的严格规则而创作。各剧目讲述历史、政治、社会和生活的故事,在娱乐的同时也传递信息。

哥伦比亚 - 南太平洋区的马林巴音乐与传统吟唱 -哥伦比亚的南太平洋地区马林巴音乐与传统吟唱是考卡山谷省(Valle del Cauca)、考卡省(Cauca)和纳里尼奥(Nariño)省非裔哥伦比亚族群的传统。吟唱时分女声(cantadoras)与男声(chureadores),并使用由当地材料手工制作的乐器演奏音乐,如:棕榈木制成的马林巴、木头和皮革制成的低音鼔和手鼓、竹摇铃和木摇铃等。这一音乐的表演主要出现在四类仪式上:阿鲁洛(Arrullo),库鲁洛(Currulao),赤鼓阿洛(Chigualo)和阿拉宝(Alabao)。

哥伦比亚 -瓦尤社区“话事人”使用的规范体系 -瓦尤社区居住在横跨哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉瓜希拉半岛上。管理社区社会与精神行为的立法体系包含了一整套原则、程序和仪式。当地的道德权威人士,即“话事人” (Pütchipü’üi 或 palabreros),采用这一主要建立在赔偿和补偿的原则基础之上的体系,用于解决当地母系氏族中的冲突和争端。

克罗地亚 - 克罗地亚北部的姜饼制作技艺 -姜饼最早出现在中世纪欧洲的一些修道院,流传到克罗地亚后形成了一门手艺。姜饼的制作者,往往同时还制作蜂蜜和蜡烛,主要在克罗地亚北部地区从事这一行业。姜饼的制作过程需要技巧和速度。对所有制作者来说,配方是一样,原料为面粉、糖、水和小苏打,以及一些必备的香料。

捷克共和国 -赫林奈科地区村庄的挨家串户的忏悔节(Shrovetide)假面游行 - 每年冬末基督教大斋期之前的忏悔节期间,捷克共和国东波希米亚的赫林斯科(Hlinsko)镇及其附近赫林奈科(Hlinecko)地区的六座村庄风行着一种狂欢习俗——忏悔节(Shrovetide)游行。村里的男人和男孩们装扮成传统角色(男孩子画红色妆,已婚男人画黑色妆),并在一支铜管乐队的陪同下,在村子里挨家串户游行。

法国 - 手工业行会,按行业进行知识传承并保持身份认同的网络 -法国手工业行会体系是与石料、木料、金属、皮革、纺织品以及食品相关的行业内传承知识及技能的一种独特方式。它的特殊之处在于,通过多种方式方法传授知识,如:国内外的学艺旅行(也称“环法”),入会仪式、以学校为基础的教学、习俗化的学艺等。

法国 - 阿朗松的针织花边技艺 -阿朗松的针法是花边技艺中一项罕见的技巧,多见于法国西北诺曼底阿朗松。阿朗松针织花边之所以与众不同,是因为对针艺的要求非常高,而且需要很长时间才能完成(每平方厘米需要七小时工作量)。使用该技术的镂空织品在民间和宗教生活中常起到装饰的用途。

法国 - 法国美食大餐 -法国美食大餐伴随着个人或群体生活的重要时刻,是庆祝各种活动如出生、结婚、生日、纪念日、庆功和团聚中的一项实用的社会风俗。节日盛宴是将人们聚集在一起,共享良酒美食艺术的大好机会。法式美食大餐所注重的是人与人之间的亲密和睦,味觉上的美好体验,以及人与自然间的平衡。





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