



【作者】李连荣 【导师】降边嘉措


【中文摘要】 本文是有关中国学者研究藏族民间英雄史诗《格萨尔》的学术史。通过分析二十世纪三十年初代至九十年代中期中国学者开掘《格萨尔》史诗的曲折经历,探讨了这段历史期间中国研究《格萨尔》史诗所呈现出的一般特点,总结了其中的重要成绩,进而提出了今后研究中值得注意的一些问题和某些积极建议。 论文认为,中国学者近六十年的研究,可以划分为前后两个阶段三个时期。两个阶段:八十年代以前(包括七十年代末)和八十年代以后。前一阶段为起步研究阶段,伴随着资料工作和借鉴国外学者的研究传统,经过初步探讨和评介工作,在确立我国史诗研究的基本问题范围和《格萨尔》史诗属性的同时,形成了我国初步的社会主义史诗研究传统,奠定了《格萨尔》史诗研究在我国的学术地位。同时,这也是第一个时期。后一阶段分前后两个时期:前一时期,为八十年代中期以前,即第二时期;后一时期,为八十年代中期以后;即第三时期。 第二时期,在前一阶段确立《格萨尔》史诗学术地位和奠定的学术传统基础上,以史诗资料学建设为中心开展了众多学术活动,在此过程中,进一步加强和深化了第一时期取得的研究成果,特别是在史学研究和文学研究的基础上,最终奠定了《格萨尔》史诗在我国民间文学界中史诗学的学科地位。第三时期,随着资料学建设的加强、史诗研究学术范型的转换,加以我国主办的多届国际《格萨尔》学术会议和出版了多种《格萨尔》研究专著,进一步巩固了《格萨尔》史诗学的学科地位,并迈向了新的发展台阶。 本论文在缕清我国《格萨尔》史诗学建设的实绩,总结我国研究《格萨尔》史诗的成果、经验和教训的基础上,还试图进一步探索我国《格萨尔》史诗学形成、发展的某些带规律性的理论问题。

【英文摘要】 The purpose of this dissertation is to study the work of what Chinese scholars have already researched concerning the Tibetan heroic epic Gesar. It summeries the general research and chief results on the topic analyzed between 1930's- 1990's. Moreover, it constractively criticizes drawbacks within studies from that period.As it was, the dissertation divides the Chinese studies of Gesar into two stages and three time periods. STAGE I (which is also the la time period): the 1930's to the end of 1970's.During this time, Chinese scholars established its studies-foundation of Gesar studies within Chinese academic circles based on the foundational studies.These foundational studies included the accumulation of Gesar epic texts, the application of research done by foreigners, and the intoduction of popular characteristics of Gesar epic found in Tibetan region.STAGE II was divided into two time periods:1) the late 1970's to the mid 1980's (the 2nd time period), and 2) the mid 1980's to the mid 1990's (the 3rd time period). During the 2nd time period, Chinese scholars established the academic subject foundation within the Chinese folk-leterature world by deepening both the historical theory and literature theory found in STAGE I .to the 3rd time period, as the research paradigm changed, they continued to strengthen and develop the academic subject foundation.This dissertation sets out to divide these post studies into two stages.Along the way, it holds to find and review the pulse of forming and developing Chinese Casarology(Gesar studies as a kind of academic subject).

【中文关键词】 《格萨尔》史诗学; 学术史; 学术地位; 学科地位; 中国学者

【英文关键词】 Gesar epic; Chinese Gesarology; Studies foundation; Academic subject foundation; Chinese scholar

【网络出版年期】2002年01期 【网络出版投稿人】中国社会科学院研究生院 【网络出版投稿时间】2002-09-01 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2002.100622 攻读期成果