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In Cultural Vision of Village, School and Nation  

【作者】张济洲 【导师】黄书光


【中文摘要】 近年来,随着“三农”(农业、农村、农民)问题日益受到党和政府的高度重视,农村教育也逐渐成为教育研究的热点。但是既有的研究成果多从国家教育政策或政府的宏观规划出发,很少从乡民自身的教育需求、乡村文化变迁来研究乡土教育。论文选择华北平原一个典型的县作为考察乡村教育历史演变的切入点,从社会生态、区域文化、人口流动与教育变迁的双向互动入手,通过民间文献资料的收集和口述史、人种志等多种研究方法的运用,呈现了20世纪以来伴随民族国家的兴起,国家政权逐步介入乡村社会,国民教育体系建构与村落文化、地方性知识冲突的生动场面,揭示了乡村教育的复杂性,并对城乡教育差异作了深入的思考。山东省汶上县作为齐鲁文化核心辐射区,“孔子宰中都”即于此,又是30年代梁漱溟乡村建设实验县,1936年燕京大学社会学系廖泰初先生在汶上县开展农村教育田野考察,从中西文化冲突的视野,详尽地考察了汶上县“洋学”(学校)与私塾对抗、竞争甚至落败的情形。清末民初是我国由传统国家向民族国家过渡时期,现代学校制度作为国家建设的重要组成部分,逐步向乡村延伸,国家与地方社会的冲突,地方性对现代性的反抗,充分反映了乡村社会固有的文化结构正经历着前所未有的冲击,展示现代化进程中的丰富多彩。“皇权止于县政”、“天高皇帝远”,说明了乡村社会在自身固有逻辑轨道上运转,介于官与民之间的绅士群体维系着乡村无为而治,私塾则由家族或家庭承担,在这种框架下,乡村教育处于自治状态。但是20世纪以来,伴随国家政权的下沉,乡村教育逐步纳入到政府的管理和控制体系之中,但政府在农村推行新式教育过程中,却遭遇扎根于传统社会土壤中的私塾的阻抗,私塾与新式教育之争是民国时期乡村教育的基本特征。国家权力介入乡村社会是理解20世纪乡村教育变迁的重要参照系,本文着重从国家与社会的视角,探讨一个世纪以来国家政权、村落和学校之间的互动关系,并置于文化变迁的视野分析国家教育建构与乡土社会、地方性知识的冲突,及其不同类型文化权力的互动。清末“废科举、兴学堂”标志着国家权力开始进入乡村教育,“洋学”的冲击和“毁庙兴学”的运动对村民、士绅以及当事人所造成的内心矛盾和困惑,往往被大历史所遗忘;现代学校带来的外来信仰和观念与地方性知识和习俗的冲突以及带来的社会影响,在以往教育史研究中非常薄弱。事实上,国家教育体系的建构与地方性知识的冲突、学校与乡村生活的隔膜、国家教育期望与村民教育意图的矛盾都基于国家权力介入乡村社会这条轴线上,对这一过程的深度描述和分析对于理解现代学校在乡土社会中扮演的角色、功能以及存在缺陷,对于推动当代中国农村基础教育改革均具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。本研究在一定意义上可以看作人类学的追踪研究,但是理论框架和分析视角与此不同,在前人积累的调查资料基础上,试图将一个县的教育变迁置于历时性框架之中,同时引进共时性分析视角度,对历史具体场景细致的深描,在一定程度上可以避免宏大叙事相对空泛的弊端。

【英文摘要】 In recent years, while the party and the government highly takes the question of "Three Agriculture" (agriculture, countryside, farmer) day by day, the rural education also gradually became the hot spot of education research. But the research results has already been from the national education policy or government's macroscopic plan, it was short from countryman's education demand, village culture vicissitude. The local society's real educational prospect often submerged in the governmental great mainstream words, so governmental education reform was also farer and farer from the real demand of the village education. The essays chose a typical county of Huabei Pingyuan as cutting into the spot achieving to inspect the village educational history from the social ecology, the region culture, the population flowing with the education. Ti had been presented the vivid scene of the conflicting and the competition among the compulsory educational system and the village culture, the local kno...更多wledge with the state power gradually involving the village society, utilizing many kinds of research techniques including the history of oral and the material collection of the folk literature.Wenshang County in the Shandong Province was the core of radiation zone in the Qi and Lu culture, "Kong Zi Zai Zhong Dou" namely to this. Ti is also the experimental county of the 30's Liang Shuming village construction. Mr. Liao Taichu of Yanjing University society department carried out the rural education field inspection in Wenshang County in 1936. From the China and the West culture conflicting, Mr. Liao exhaustively inspected the school in Wenshang County to be resisted, competed, and even defeated by the Chinese traditional school. "The school was struggled the maintenance under government's strict order, in contrasts with the private school in the helping of common people to be prosperous." Our country was in a period from the traditional country to the nation-state at the end of the Qing. The modern school system as the important constituent of national construction gradually extended to the village, with nation conflicting with the place societies, the local revolting to the modern. The inherent culture structure of the village society was experiencing the unprecedented impact, in demonstrating modernization advancement richly colorful.The relations between the traditional village society and the nation had the high looseness. From "the imperial authority stops in county "to" central government powerless in local", it explained the village society revolved on own inherent logical track, gentry community situated between official and people's maintaining the village to govern by non-interference. The Chinese traditional school in village undertook by the family. Under this kind of frame, it had formed benign interaction between nation and society' from the overall. The village education was at the autonomous condition. since 20th century, with the state power sinking, the village education gradually brought into governmental management and the control system. The government carried out in the new style of education process in the countryside, experiencing private school's impedance mixed root in traditional society soil. The struggling of the private school and the new style education is the basic characteristic of Republic of China in village education. Although taking Mr. Liao Taichu field investigation as an item of regional case study, it has actually made the all inspection and the analysis to the educational condition of Wenshang County in Shandong Province. It had the extremely high historical data value.Understanding the 20th century villages education, the state power involved the village society is the important reference system. From the angle of view of national and society, it had discussed the interaction relations between the state power, the village and the school for a century, juxtaposes constructs the construction and local social, the local knowledge conflict at the cultural vicissitude field of vision analysis country education, and its different type culture authority interaction. The paper chose the Wenshang County of Shandong Province as the research object, utilizing cultural anthropology, through oral, narrating with the comparison and so on the many kinds of methods. It had presented vivid scene of conflict and the competition between the modern school and the local cultural, following the state power gradually to enter the village society for 20th century. "The waste imperial civil service examination, and populous the school" in the end of the Qing, It was the symbol of state power to starting to enter the village education. The impact of school, the movement of destroying the temple to encourage education" ,the innermost feelings which to the villagers, the gentry as well as the litigant creates contradictory and puzzled, often was forgotten by the big history, the modern school brings the external belief and the idea and the local knowledge and the custom conflict as well as brings the social influence, is extremely weak in the former history of education research, in fact, the national education system constructs the construction and the local knowledge conflict, the school and the village life mutual lack of understanding, the national education expectation and the villagers educates the intention the contradiction all to involve on village society this spool thread based on the state power, To this process depth description and the analysis to understood the modern school in the local society's acting role, the function as well as the existence flaw is extremely important.This research may be regarded as the tracing research of the anthropology in the certain significance, but it is different from the theory frame and the analysis angle of view. Before accumulating in the investigation data base of the predecessor, county education was attempted to set in the history frame, simultaneously introducing the being analysis. It presented the historical concrete scene by careful depth, avoiding the relatively unspecific malpractice of macro narrating in the cer  还原

【中文关键词】 文化冲突; 国家政权; 村落; 地方性知识; 生活史

【英文关键词】 Cultural conflict; state power; village ; local knowledge; life history

【网络出版年期】2007年03期 【网络出版投稿人】华东师范大学 【网络出版投稿时间】2007-07-13 【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2007.082949 攻读期成果